Monday 17 October 2011

More details of Mann Chianu murder background


More details are emerging of the land dispute that resulted in one unarmed Christian protester being shot dead, and many others, including women and children, were seriously wounded, and the difference between the parties involved could not be more clear. The small local church had scrimped and saved to buy land to build an orphanage to house some of the many orphans in Pakistan. A local feudal lord with great power called Muhammed Ali Durrani tried to take the land for his own. Local residents in the village went to the police to file a complaint about Durrani and his 'land mafia' associates, but (surprise!) the police refused to accept it and threatened them for trying to press the complaint. Two days later armed men arrived in cars, and started shooting those who protested when they stole the land from the church. Funnily enough, the police didn't file a FIR (First Information Report) on the murder and shooting of innocent Christian children or the sale of the land.
Local sources report that the regions land mafia and feudal lords always snatch the land of the weak and vulnerable, and continually watch for such charity projects because they are 'an easy catch'.

BPCA COMMENT : We publicly call out Muhammed Ali Duranni as a thief and a criminal, a man who grows fat on the hunger of orphans, and rich by robbing the poor. It does not matter how high or powerful he may be, even if he be a senator or a president! If he does not repent of his wickedness and vile crimes, then he faces the wrath of the true and living God who is the protector of orphans. How will he stand on the great and fearful judgement day when the blood of the martyr Safdar Masih whom he slew, just as surely as if he had pulled the trigger himself, the trauma of the women and children he has wounded and the hunger of the orphans he has robbed cry out as witnesses against him?

1 comment:

  1. I know that the Lord heals and comforts amidst so much pain and there will be a day of judgement . I also pray that Mr Duranni comes to know the Lord and the Lord can forgive him and he will be set free from his wickedness.
