Monday 17 October 2011

Poor Christian mother of 4 murdered

Zubaida Bibi, murdered
Her widower (l) Younis Masih

A poor Christian mother of 4 (children aged 8 to 16) was murdered October 12th in an industrial area of Karachi. Zubaida Bibi was a worker at the factory when she was murdered by a Mr Asif Ali, for reasons currently unknown. Naturally her husband, Younis Masih, and her family are distraught. The killer is in police custody, but Younis is concerned that justice will not be done, a far from unreasonable fear, as readers of this blog will know. The family is poor and the killer is well-off with many resources at his disposal. Please pray for comfort for the family, and that justice will be unequivocally done in this case.
Source : Liaquat Munawar, president of MASS (Mission and Action for Social Services

UPDATE 19-10-11 Reports give the reason for the murder as being that Zubaida was cleaning the toilets when she resisted attempted rape by her killer. She cried out for help, so Muhammed Asif pulled out a knife and slit her throat.
As the source says, there is increasing sexual attacks on Christian women in workplaces across Pakistan which are often not reported due to social and cultural values. Influential Muslims feel free to rape Christian women, knowing they are almost certain to be let off by the Muslim dominated courts and justice system.
We would remind all readers that BPCA would like to hear of all such attacks. Please see our article asking for reports.

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