Monday 2 January 2012

Catholic magazine presses for Bhatti as man of the year

The Italian Catholic magazine Cultura Cattolica has responded to Time Magazine's making an anonymous protester 'man of the year' by calling for martyred Federal Minister Shabhaz Bhatti to be named 'man of the year' instead, arguing that he is a far better candidate. Specifically they note that his staunch defence of religious freedom in the face of extreme intimidation, in the full knowledge that his life was likely to be forfeit means he should be greatly honoured. They quote his spiritual testament where he said :
'Many times the extremists have tried to kill me and imprison me, I have threatened, harassed and terrorized my family . The extremists, a few years ago, they even asked my parents, my mother and my father, to dissuade me from continuing my mission to help the Christians and the needy, otherwise I would lose. But my father always encouraged me. I say that as long as I live, until the last breath, I will continue to serve Jesus and this poor, suffering humanity, Christians, the needy, the poor.'

They have launched a petition to this end, which currently (9pm GMT 02 Jan 2012) stands at well over 1000 signatures. Add yours, even if - like me - you can't understand the Italian!

+++++ UPDATE. We have contacted the magazine and they have put up an English Translation too. Now up to 1450 signatures. Add yours! +++++

1 comment:

  1. Dear friends, as soon as possible I'll send you an English translation
    don Gabriele Mangiarotti
