Sunday 1 January 2012

Police surgeon assassinated for telling truth about police massacre

Dr Baqih Shah, honest police surgeon assassinated

More evidence of the murderous corruption cancer at the heart of significant parts of the Pakistani police and security apparatus and state emerged with the assassination of a courageous and honest police surgeon, Dr Baqih Shah. Earlier this year Pakistani police gunned down 5 unarmed foreigners from Russia and Tajik, including 3 women, one heavily pregnant. The police claimed that they were suicide bombers who died at a checkpoint exploding their bombs, but video of the incident and eyewitnesses said otherwise. In a video the BBC showed, two of the already badly injured women were on the ground, holding hands and one put up their hand, at which point police opened up with a volley of fire. Dr Shah conducted the autopsies on the victims and confirmed they had not died from suicide bombs, but were shot dead at close range.
Whether the 'suicide bomber' claim was the sincere but wrong belief of the police at the time of the incident, or a quickly thought up ruse to excuse the massacre, Dr Shah received at the time of his submission of the court, intense internal pressure to fudge the results to match the police claims, which he resisted. He was badly beaten up by policemen at the time. He has refused to budge from the truth, and has just been assassinated in a hail of bullets, just like the victims he told the truth about.

A victim of the original police massacre

Source : blog
Source : BBC video

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