Saturday 18 August 2012

New blasphemy low - downs syndrome girl arrested!

Replacement of representative picture - Rimsha after release on bail.

Sign our petition here:

We have received reports of a new and appalling low in the ongoing abuse of blasphemy laws.  Allegedly, a Quran was found with some of its pages burned by Muslims in a Christian area of Islamabad - in previous cases the burning has nearly always shown to have been done by Muslims, or by mentally unstable people - and worse, they have had an 11 year old Christian girl with downs syndrome called Rimsha Masih arrested and charged with the crime.  Rimsha was arrested on the 17th August 2012.

Muslim extremists are threatening to burn down every Christian house in the community.  Several thousand Christians have fled the suburb and are in hiding, along with the family of the victim.  Mobs of over a thousand Muslims have surrounded the community and are burning tyres.

At the last account, Christian human rights workers have persuaded local Mullah's not to authorize the threatened attacks after Friday prayers.  Some went to the local police station and report the situation on the ground is very bad.  It is quite evident that the police they talked to have already assumed her guilt.  They refused to allow the workers to see the FIR, placed by a Muslim called Alsyed Muhammad Ummad.  The police were aggressive and hostile, and appear to have immediately called Muslim youths to the police station to harass the Christian workers.  The police said 'She has burned our holy book and you are here to protect her'.  It is quite clear that the police are hostile to the accused, presume her guilt and have no regard for her status as a minor or as one with Down's Syndrome.

Please pray for her and her family.

The Christian rights workers are planning to apply for bail for her immediately after the Muslim Eid celebrations currently ongoing

Source, also information from International Christian Voice on FB


  1. If this report is true may the Wrath of the Almighty fall on these hounds of Hell

  2. why has the christian community completely failed to get this atrocity noticed by the news organisations of the world? CNN,BBC,Guardian,newyork times,washingtonpost,telegraph,has anyone covered this atrocity? why doesn't the christian community learn to engage effectively with the media? why utter failure to get coverage for this in the international media?

    1. Perhaps because the media organizations of the world typically turn a blind eye to anything Christian.

    2. The Guardian has published an account.Even the Pakistani press did not take much notice.The exceptions were Tribune and Dawn

    3. The Guardian published an account.In Pakistan only the Tribune and Dawn carried the news

  3. We are a group of concerned parents of Downs Syndrome children in Lahore. If what you are saying is true, please send us the details as we would like to contribute.
    These children are like angels without a capacity to do wrong and should be treated with nothing but utmost love.

  4. Poor child. I cannot imagine how frightened she must be. I'm praying for her and her family.

  5. Anonymous, why do you think it's the Christian Community' fault? Doh!

  6. The reason why the left media don't publish this, because they don't want to be blamed for islamophobia and therefore they only care about Muslims. Only Muslims can be victims. For the barbaric sharia laws they close their eyes. The press is therefore also responsable for these atrocities. And most christians are too much cowards to go and protest openly about this, because they are also afraid to be called islamophobs and so can Muslims do whatever they want, even to sentence the most weak like a 11 year old christian girl with down syndrom to death. Disgusting!!!!

  7. It's truly upsetting to read this, it is true, the main media fail to report this because they don't want to upset the Muslims in this country and cause unrest. All injustice should be reported no matter where it is. Let's hope that by the Grace of God we can all create more awareness of what is happening to our Brothers & Sisters in Pakistan.

  8. It's really upsetting to read this. The main media don't report on such things because they don't want to upset the Muslims in this country or cause unrest. All injustices should be reported no matter what. Let us hope that by creating more awareness about this that more will be done. By God's Grace this will be done

  9. A Down's Syndrome child playing with fire. I can smell a trap. This girl is as innocent as a new born baby, but someone behind the scene is playing the role of a puppeteer. Someone who is interested in creating a rift between Christians and Muslims in Pakistan. I have so many Christian friends with whom we have age old ties. We never came across any differences in the past and have been living in absolute harmony. We have to find our mutual enemy hiding among us.

  10. I pray God will see this girl through this disgusting evil. May God stay by her side and comfort her when there is no sane one around. These people are sub-humans low of the low to animals. When is the world going to embarrass these disgusting creatures.
