Monday 20 August 2012

Too Little - Too Late! 11 Year old Rimsha languishes in adult police cell while President Zardari calls for report on her arrest!

Replacement of representative image- Rimsha Released on bail!

Global reports of an 11 year old child allegedly with Downs Syndrome- arrested for a blasphemy,  have placed Pakistan's blasphemy law under the spotlight again.

Rimsha was arrested on the 11th August 2012 after it was alleged she had burnt 10 pages of the Koran and was found with further ripped pages in a plastic bag.

Thousands of enraged Muslims have circled the small Christian community from which Rimsha belongs,  shouting threats and burning tyres aiming to terrorise people living there in vengeance of the offence to their religion.  This has led to hundreds of Christians fleeing the area to stay with relatives in safer regions.

President Zirdari has now called for a report into Rimsha's arrest.  Oddly enough he has not questioned the veracity of her being tried in the full courts rather than the Juvenile courts? Despite a report on Asia Bibi's arrest, she has been  left languishing in prison for 3 years - pretty worthless if you ask us. We at the BPCA believe President Zirdari should be calling for her immediate release especially considering her existing illness and tender age - any prolonged detention simply does not equate and time wasting could lead to irreparable damage to this vulnerable child.

BBC ASIA News reported on this story:

The BPCA is organising a protest outside the Pakistan High Commission in London, to highlight the plight of this young victim and to call for reform or abrogation of the Blasphemy Law of Pakistan. Details as follows:

Date:                         Wednesday 22nd August 2012
Time:                         7pm - 9pm
Location:                   Pakistan High Commission, 34- 36 Lowndes Square, London SW1X 9JN
Getting there:           Nearest Station Knightsbridge (Piccadilly line)  Follow this link for a map and bus directions

At our protest Catholic Band Oooberfuse said to be "the Pope's favourite Electro-pop Band" will be performing songs to remember Asia Bibi, Shahbaz Bhatti and now young Rimsha.

Guest Speakers include:

  • Rev Noble Samuel - Heston United Reform Church
  • Michelle Huberman - Creative Director for Harif (A Group serving Middle-East Jews) and mother of a child with Downs Syndrome.
  • Ranbir Singh Hindu Human Rights Group
  • Hal from Ooberfuse
  • Stephen Anjum (Asylum Seeker)
  • Mike Emberson from Aid to the Church in Need


  1. All muslims who persecute non muslims and accuse them of blasphemy are blasphous themselves. The Prophet forgave those who threw dirt on him and went to see them instead if they missed out on a day not throwing the dirt on him.

  2. Muslims who persecute non muslims and accuse them of blasphemy are blasphemous themselves. The Prophet forgave those who threw dirt on him and went to see them instead if they missed out on a day not throwing the dirt on him.

  3. It is Zardari. I have shared this for you. Good Luck and God Bless.

  4. It is Zardari with an "a." Good Luck and God Bless. I have shared this for you. Peace.

  5. Why will the Islamic Human Rights Commission not be present on Wednesday? Are there voices of Muslims in this country protesting against this outrage?

  6. Terrible news, and thank you for your vigilant reporting. Praying for her, of course.

    God bless.

  7. 1 John 4:8 says, "Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love." When anyone mistreats someone as this young girl has been mistreated, they are not acting out of love, therefore, everyone involved in this girls mistreatment does not know The God of love.

  8. "I appeal to the Pakistani government and people to drop all charges against this young girl. She is a child and below the age of criminal responsibility. It is not right to prosecute someone so young. The Koran states their should be no compulsion in religion. All people of faith are united in their belief in God. There should be no persecution of people because they hold a different faith or because they hold no faith" said Peter Tatchell, Director of the Peter Tatchell Foundation.

    Your great work is much appreciated.

    Gratitude! Peter
