Wednesday 26 September 2012

Peshawar Bishop Majeed pleads for help to rebuild burnt church

Bishop Majeed holding burnt remnants of the Bible

Islamabad Pakistan, (Shamim Masih): 

Rampaging Muslims attacked an Anglican church in Mardan near Peshawar following noon prayers last Friday, during riots against the anti-Mohammed film that has stirred protests throughout Pakistan. 

Bishop Peter Mujeed said thousands of people on 21st September broke into a church compound, burnt the church, school books, Bibles and other religious books and artifacts.   The mob destroyed 27 homes in the church compound including the houses of two priests and the school head teacher, he added.

Displaced families are living with their friends and relatives now and need your help to restore them, according to Bishop Peter Majeed.

The extremists tried to set the pastor's son (Zeeshan) afire. Items of value to the militants--computers, office equipment, and chairs were stolen and the buildings were set ablaze.

Bishop Majeed said that innocent Pakistani Christians had nothing to do with the production or promotion of the anti-Mohammed film. Most know little about it, yet they are paying the price simply for being Christian in a nation dominated by Islamic extremists -a country where government officials and moderate Muslims fear to talk to protect minority’s rights on their behalf.

The Diocese of Peshawar, where the attack took place, provides education and health services to the local community – Muslim and Christian alike – and provided substantial support to victims of floods and a major earthquake in recent years, regardless of their religious affiliation.

'Where is the media outrage? When a Quran is burned or a film considered blasphemous appears on You Tube, Muslims respond with global riots and protests. But When Christian holy books are destroyed, or a church is burned, there is silence. Where is the Chief Justice of Pakistan? 

With respect to the Chief Justice, the bishop mentioned the case of Rinkal Kumari, the Hindu girl kidnapped and forced to marry, and who was brought to the top Pakistani Court. The Chief justice gave reassurances that justice would be done, but in the end the girl was handed over to her so-called husband, said the politician MLA Rameesh Lal.  

Bishop Peter Mujeed  asks Christians around the world to pray for God’s protection for Pakistani believers. He also requests help to rebuild their church building as early as possible.

Wilson Chowdhry said;

"This heinous act has been undertaken with little response from leaders in the West.  Many justifiably rushed to indicate their outrage at the hurt that the film titled "Innocence of Muslim's has caused, few have condemned this attack on a church community.  This lack of concern will only serve to continue the reckless impunity with which extremists operate in Pakistan."

In response to this request for help, the BPCA would appreciate any donations towards supporting the Families affected by the looting.  The Government has offered £3,000,000 rupees for the restoration and we hope that will come to fruition.  If you believe someone you know would be willing to contribute please send this request to them.  

If you would like to contribute to this "Mardan church fund" (Please use the fund name as a reference) you can pay in several ways;

Firstly by using the PayPal facility on the top right hand corner of our blog. Just click the yellow oval with the words donate and follow instructions. 

You can also send your contributions by cheque payable to;

British Pakistani Christian Association.

Address : British Pakistani Christian Association
57 Green Lane
IG1 1XG 

Alternatively should you wish you can pay by BACS, direct debit or standing order by paying into the following account details: 

Sort Code: 20-67-90 

Account Number: 63468976 


  1. This should not be responsibility of individuals to build this church. In the past the Government has always built up the ruined churches.Instead of trying to build it ourselves, we should be putting pressure on the Provincial and the National Government to do it. They would like nothing better if they washed their hands off and the Pakistani Christian community saved to build it.

  2. Peter Majeed (so called bishop) was disowned from the Diocese of Peshawar, Church of Pakistan as a priest. Now claiming to be a bishop and appealing for funds for Mardan is a crime.
    Peter Majeed (So called bishop) was not even consecrated in any Church; rather he was made bishop in a drawing room of Retired Bishop Arne Rudvin in Norway.
    The self proclaimed and so called Northern Diocese is bluffing the friends and Partners, Nationally and internationally by calling themselves part of the Church of Pakistan. This is a fake, forged and group of opportunist. Friends are being aware of such drama actors.
    The self made and so called Northern Diocese does not even have a single Church in Mardan. They forcefully, illegally occupied the church of the Diocese of Pesahwar and now trying to mint money on the ashes of the Church.
    Peter Majeed (a so called bishop) manipulated and deserted the Diocese of Peshawar and after having gone to Norway on scholarship, cheated his priesthood by not fulfilling his vows to come back and serve the Diocese of Peshawar. Peter the cheater.
    Self proclaimed self made and so called Northern Diocese has committed a crime by dividing the Christian People of Mardan. Friends be careful about your funding for the burnt Church of Mardan. Do not send your funds to frauds.

  3. Christian Voice of Mardan

    Peter Majeed (so called bishop) was disowned from the Diocese of Peshawar, Church of Pakistan as a priest. Now claiming to be a bishop and appealing for funds for Mardan is a crime.

    1. peter majeed became bishop by the right way and he was not disowned frm the diocese of peshwr chrch of pakistan as a priest may God give u brain to think about the right path

  4. Publish true facts on your web.don't make peoples fools.

    Bishop of Peshawar
    The Rt.Revd.Humphrey S. Peters

    1. Bishop sb, I called many times on the land line and than on your cell number 0300 858 0325, is it your...? I couldn't get any response, and on my recent visit to Karachi I got some detailed information from Bishop Ijaz Inayat,.... On my visit to Mardan, I found Bishop Peter Majeed on ground and posted the story. You can contact me on

  5. We have taken on board your comments and have altered our fundraising to pay for those that have been looted by the rioters. We have since discovered there is a five year wrangle over the matter of Bishopric of Peshawer and will ensure that money is filtered directly to local people via Shamim Masih. If you would like to make your own statement on the issue surrounding Mardan Church please forward it to Shamim has treid to call you please do respond to his call so we can meet with you. We will continue to speak with both parties as you both seem to have differing congregational support.

  6. Very sade about the church all all need to raise our voice for our rights.

  7. Very sade about the church all all need to raise our voice for our rights.

  8. bishope majeed was concercrated in narway by the reknown Bishopes.He became bishope through right not as Bishope Hamaphery s peter. came throguh back door and with the help of Modraterator and his parner in church of Pakistan. therfore donot comment as you did.

  9. he became bishop through right ways and he is the younger bishop of northern diceoses of mardan we r proud of him
