Wednesday 26 September 2012

More gunfire on the Streets of Karachi

A church minister in Karachi has asked for prayer for him and his family and for peace in his city.  There has been heavy gunfire outside his house last night.  It has left his 2 year old child scared, unable to sleep, and has got a fever as a result, while the pastors father slipped and fell as a result of hurrying to the door as the guns fired.


  1. Dear Lord, I come in the name of Jesus and pray for your people who are in trouble, come and save them as Promised. Their enemies are read to tear them apart but we have a complete faith in You and we cannot be snatched from Your hands. I Give you Glory oh Lord and I call upon you my Lord, my God, my Father, Praised be to your name. Help us and Save us from these wolves who are hunting us like a helpless prey. Bless be your name oh Lord, now and until the end of this World

  2. We pray they calm down soon and the city returns to its normal activity. There is sometimes a third leg in between the conflicts between christians and muslims whether its ecnonomic or secular. In pakistan though it seems its more involving radicals who are terrorizing christians for whatever reason. We pray this ends soon!
