Monday 10 September 2012

No Barriers for Pakistani Christians!

Rev John, Wilson Chowdhry and Pastor Siva Ponnambalam

Wilson read from Isaiah to open his presentation on the persecution of minorities in Pakistan.

Attentive churchgoers expressed dismay at the treatment that fellow Christian's face abroad.

Wilson Chowdhry presented on the treatment of minorities in Pakistan, during a persecution focused service at "No Barriers" church in Edgware on Sunday 9th September 2012.  

To open his presentation wilson read from the book of Isaiah 1 v17:

"Learn to do right; seek justice.
    Defend the oppressed.[a]
Take up the cause of the fatherless;
    plead the case of the widow."

Parishioners and visitors were informed of the torrid treatment of minorities, including lack of employment and educational opportunity and severe persecution.  

The stories of intolerance towards Asia Bibi, Shazia Bashir, Wajid and Sajid Masih, Rimsha Masih and others created great anguish among this gathered at the service.

At the end of the service BPCA bangles were sold to be worn n memory of the great sacrifice of Shahbaz Bhatti and the strong faith of Asia Bibi through great struggle.

And the end of the service new contact were made with Pakistani and other Christians and the Pastor of the church, with great determination, spoke of a commitment for no Barriers church to keep the situation in Pakistan in their prayers.

News of Rimsha Masih's freedom on bail was received with great joy and thankfulness to our God who knows no barriers!

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