Saturday 8 September 2012

Rimsha free from prison!

Here is the latest report on the release of Rimsha from prison from our correspondent in Pakistan Shamim Masih:

Authentic picture of Rimsha provided by CCA.

Islamabad: (Shamim Masih) : Yesterday Pakistani Judge Muhammad Azam Khan granted bail and today he his court issued released order accepting two sureties bonds of Rs. 5,00,000/- each for a Christian girl Rimsha, who had been accused of blasphemy.

Rimsha was released from Central Jail, Adaial Rawalpindi, where she had been kept under detention for couple of weeks, and flown to safe place in a government helicopter.

Rimsha was brought from the jail in an armored vehicle to the nearest helipad, where the government chopper was waiting to fly her out. A large number of security personnel, along with members of the Christian community, were present outside Adiala Jail.

Earlier, on Friday, the teenage girl was granted bail by the court of additional sessions against two sureties bonds of Rs.500,000 each.

“I accept her bail application,” Judge Mohammad Azam Khan had announced to a packed courtroom. “The bail application has been accepted against two sureties of 500,000 rupees each.”

Earlier, today, it was heavily raining in the court premises, and went with official spokesman of lawyers penal, Mr. Basharat Khokher, we went through to fulfill the official requirements of the honorable court.
Mr. Agustin Shehbaz, and Anthony Francis had submitted their property's paper for the sureties bonds for Rimsha. After filling the papers, we got release order at 2:45 pm from the court and sent the jail officials.

A large number of security personnel, members of civil society and international media persons were present outside the jail since morning.

The girl has been in custody since she was arrested in a poor Islamabad suburb more than two weeks ago after being accused of burning papers containing verses from the Quran.

Thanks for all, who had been praying for the innocent girl who had been trapped by Muslim Cleric.

If you would like to contribute please use the PayPal facility on the top right hand corner of our blog.  You can also send your contributions by cheque payable to;
British Pakistani Christian Association.

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British Pakistani Christian Association
57 Green Lane
IG1 1XG 

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Account Number: 63468976

Our long term hope is that Rimsha and her family will be granted Asylum in the UK, America, Canada or other safe countries.  Today we spoke with MP Andrew Stephenson form Pendle, to ask if Britain would offer asylum to Rimsha.  He said;
"Sadly the line is that all cases are considered on their merits, however given what Alistair Burt said in the chamber and how high profile this case has been I would have thought her chances are very good"


  1. Wow, Poor girl and all she has been through emotionally. Thankfully she is out. This process is evidence on how extremely difficult it is to prove a person's innocence. How shameful of the Pakistani Gov't to put her through that. This picture should be the front cover of the Times magazine.

    1. Its more with the people who accused her because Govt. comes after...

  2. Wow, Poor girl and all she has been through emotionally. Thankfully she is out. This process is evidence on how extremely difficult it is to prove a person's innocence. How shameful of the Pakistani Gov't to put her through that. This picture should be the front cover of the Times magazine.

    1. This is great miracle, majority of Pakistanis Muslims favored Rimsha, specially in this case majority accept that blasphemy law was used for personal revenge and this is a big development. Although court was aware about the situation, but court put a discriminatory decision on her bail orders, demanding two securities of 500000 each. Chief Justice of Pakistan shamefully close his lips although this matter become International issue.

  3. Get in touch with this guy from Canada (asylum) who has helped many minorities seek asylum in Canada. What an Amazing man!

    Get in touch with this guy in video from Canada who has helped many minorities in Pakistan seek political asylum into Canada. What an Amazing man!

  5. This is great miracle, majority of Pakistanis Muslims favored Rimsha, specially in this case majority accept that blasphemy law was used for personal revenge and this is a big development. Although court was aware about the situation, but court put a discriminatory decision on her bail orders, demanding two securities of 500000 each. Chief Justice of Pakistan shamefully close his lips although this matter become International issue.

  6. THis guy has helped christian minorities seek asylum. Rev. Majed El Shafie - converted to christianity from islam and an attorney..

    1. Everyday is not a sunny day my dear.. pray for them
