Tuesday 13 November 2012

BPCA Christmas appeal 2012 - Mardan church school

Christmas is when we celebrate the birth of Jesus.  And the advent season marks His coming – both of them, past and present.

But what does Jesus celebrate?  Jesus told us his criteria for judgement day just before he died.  Those who will inherit the kingdom will be those who fed the hungry, gave water to the thirsty, visited those in prison, clothed the naked, and took in strangers. 

Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me’  (Matthew 25)

As St Paul said, we should ‘do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers

St Paul’s Lutheran church in Mardan, Pakistan, was obeying these commands by its namesake and its Saviour.    They provided schooling and social services for poor people of all faiths in the area.  However, in September, a huge Islamic mob, supposedly protesting the film ‘Innocence of Muslims’, came with petrol and guns and looted and burned the church, the school and the homes of a number of church staff.  They also beat up the teenage son of one of the pastors.  They stole or smashed the newly installed school computers. 
The British Pakistani Christian Association (BPCA) is launching a Christmas appeal for these Christians.  This is an opportunity for you to do what Jesus celebrates and rewards, as we celebrate his coming.  These Christians have asked for school and Sunday school materials, whether that be textbooks, computers, or simply spare paper, exercise books and pens.  BPCA will accept all such materials and pass them on. 

We are also looking for regular donations to help us set up small schools for Christian and other poor children.  50 people paying about £10 per month will enable our partners to set up and run one school.

Donate via paypal on our website http://britishpakistanichristian.blogspot.co.uk/ or send by bank transfer to Sort Code: 20-67-90, Account Number Account: 63468976 using reference ‘Christmas 2012’ or 'Small School' as appropriate

Please send cheques – payable to British Pakistani Christian Association and with ‘Christmas 2012’ on the back - along with school supplies to
British Pakistani Christian Association
c/o AA Security
57 Green Lane

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