Tuesday 13 November 2012

BPCA organises Mammoth Day 2012 in Redbridge!

On the 148th anniversary of the excavation of Uphall Brick Pits (along Ilford lane) - that led to the discovery of Britain's largest mammoth remains and only complete Mammoth skull - local people met outside Ilford Methodist Church to unveil a new plaque to  commemorate this significant find.

Around 200,000 years ago Ilford was a savannah and the climate would have held a temperature much hotter than in modern times.

Free "Mammoth burgers" and hot dogs were given to visitors at a celebratory music event that attended by Professor Adrian Lister senior palaeontologist from the Natural History Museum, he brought a mammoth tooth and toe bone for people to touch and see.  Young children also competed in a short quiz, produced by Ilford Historical Society - a prize of I-Tune vouchers was on offer for the winner!

"Enterprise" who run Redbridge's recycling provision held a stall encouraging the creation of mammoth fridge magnets using recyclable material

The event was successful and the permanant plaque that was funded by the British Pakistani Christian Association will be a permanent reminder of the heritage we have here in Ilford.  Ilford Museum within Redbridge Central Library has some of the original mammoth bones that are on loan from the Natural History Museum.  Moreover, one of the the Natural History Museums most prized possessions and displays is the original complete skull found locally, which is still called the "Ilford Mammoth."

Local people were fascinated by the Mammoth bones and the senior professor from the Natural History Museum in attendance at a our small Ilford event.

Despite cold weather people really enjoyed the day.

A real mammoth tooth.

A mammoth toe bone.

People came from all over to see what the fuss was about.

It was exciting just to be able to touch the mammoth bones.

Professor Adrian Lister spoke of the importance of the finds.

People gathered to listen to this fascinating news of hairy elephants.

Professor Lister brought an image of the skull at the Natural History Museum

Sir Antonio Brady discovered the remains during November 1854

A riveting speech had people locked in...

Visitors were literally glued to the spot!

The unveiling of the plaque drew attention.

Professor Lister spoke of the importance of this local find in the paleontological sphere.

Professor Lister described the savanna that once was here in Ilford.

People delayed shopping to watch the unveiling.

The unveiling of the plaque brought great excitement.

The only plaque with the Queens name in Ilford South.

A countdown of five led to a well received unveiling.

The new plaque replaces one that was stolen in January.

Wilson Chowdhry chair of the BPCA with Professor Adrian Lister.

The mammoth bones created huge excitement.

People ate mammoth burgers and hot dogs whilst learning about recycling.

Children and young people made mammoth fridge magnets and completed Ilford historical Society's quiz.

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