Monday, 31 December 2012

Christian couple dies in jail - medical treatment denied

Pakistan's blasphemy laws are notorious.  However, in Pakistan's deeply corrupt judicial system, there are other ways of persecuting Christians - for instance by getting them convicted for life on other grounds using false evidence.

According to Shamim Masih, this is what happened in the case of a Christian man, Parvaiz Masih, who died in prison on 29th December after prison authorities denied him proper medical treatment for his diabetes, citing 'security issues' as the reason for this deadly decision.

Parvaiz Masih and his wife were arrested for allegedly smuggling Hasheesh by Pakistan's Anti-Narcotic Force as they were driving to their hometown.  However, they were adamant that they were innocent and that the police planted the evidence (a tactic that hasn't been unknown by Western police forces either).  Seven years ago, both were sentenced to life imprisonment.

The tragedy is compounded by the fact that his wife died in hospital a few months ago (causes not given), thus meaning that now their three children, named in reports as Danish, Aanan and Hina, have not only had their parents stolen into prison, but they are now orphaned.

Denying Christians proper medical treatment in prison is a far from unknown tactic in Pakistan, and many Christians have died in murky circumstances in Pakistani prisons.


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Address : British Pakistani Christian Association
57 Green Lane
IG1 1XG 

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Account Number: 63468976

Second Christian brother dies in Gilgit sweeping shooting

We recently reported that one Christian street-cleaner was shot dead in Gilgit in the early hours of the 29th December.  Kamarat died immediately, his brother Liaquat was badly wounded and rushed to hospital.  Unfortunately, we are now told that Liaquat died of his wounds.  The authorities are still claiming that this was not a deliberate attack on Christians, but that the shooting was a result of a personal feud, and say that investigations are ongoing.


If you would like to donate to the work of the BPCA please use the following details:

Pay by using the PayPal facility on the top right hand corner of our blog and electronic means of transfer will be initiated when you click donate written in the yellow oval. 

You can also send your contributions by cheque payable to;

British Pakistani Christian Association.
Address : British Pakistani Christian Association
57 Green Lane
IG1 1XG 

Alternatively should you wish you can pay by BACS, direct debit or standing order by paying into the following account details: 

Sort Code: 20-67-90 
Account Number: 63468976

Saturday, 29 December 2012

Muslim Mob attacks Christians at Christmas day service

According to the Pakistan Christian Post, the administration and media in Pakistan's capital have deliberately suppressed news of a quite serious incident in Islamabad on Christmas day.  A group of approximately 100 Muslim extremists arrived in Iqbal town area of Islamabad at about 12 noon just as Christians from various churches were emerging from Christmas day services.  They were armed with machine guns, pistols and sticks or clubs, and attacked women, men and children, injuring at least 16 of them, 4 quite seriously.  Two suffered bullet wounds - in one case multiple bullet wounds, and one fell to the ground and was beaten mercilessly by the mob.

Apparently tensions were high and security (supposedly) tight due to an Islamic cleric issuing a Fatwa banning Muslims from participating in Christmas.  Whilst claiming that Muslims should be tolerant of other religions, even this 'moderate' statement reveals disturbing attitudes about Christian women, when it says :
'Muslims can eat their (ie Christian) food and are allowed to marry chaste women of Christians but Christmas cannot be celebrated by Muslims' 
The police came and arrested two Muslims out of the 100+, and then registered an FIR against 25 unknown and 4 named Muslims.  However, one of the two Muslims arrested was released a few hours later.  In the meantime, the police set up blockades around Christian areas, meaning that besieged Christians were unable to go out and get essential supplies on Christmas day, although this was later lifted after police constable and Christian Basharat Khokhar rushed to intervene.

The article notes that the police 'were not arresting Muslim attackers but twisting incident in communal riots.' 

And suppressing the news of the attacks with machine guns, apparently.


If you would like to donate to the work of the BPCA please use the following details:

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You can also send your contributions by cheque payable to;

British Pakistani Christian Association.
Address : British Pakistani Christian Association
57 Green Lane
IG1 1XG 

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Sort Code: 20-67-90 
Account Number: 63468976

Rimsha's Christian bodyguard gets death threats

Basharat Khokher (in white in photos on right) helping Rimsha
Christian police constable Basharat Khokher, himself falsely accused in a very murky blasphemy case in 2009, is facing more persecution because of Pakistan's iniquitous blasphemy law.

As a Christian, he has quite often been involved in bodyguard duties for Christian leaders and other Christians in the public eye who's lives are under threat.

He was one of Shahbaz Bhatti's bodyguards, and after Bhatti's assassination (at a moment when he had dismissed his security detail) Khokher went into hiding himself.  However, he later returned to his work, this time for Bhatti's brother, Dr Paul Bhatti, Minister in Charge for National Harmony.  He was the police officer who rescued Rimsha's family and took them to safety and guarded them, and he is also the one who took Rimsha Masih, the young illiterate teenager falsely accused of blasphemy, from the courts after her release on bail to a safe location.

However, because of this, Muslim extremists who want to kill Rimsha have started to threaten him, in part because they believe he knows where she and her family now are, and in part because he did his job protecting her.  According to Shamim Masih, he is getting threatening messages saying 'whoever utters a word of disrespect towards the glory of our dear Prophet or disgrace the holy quran, his only punishment is death. Beware; because no one can tolerate a blasphemer… and you are protecting them, will not live with safety in this country'

As you can imagine, this alone is having a traumatic effect on him, but he also has to look after his children as his wife has been in hospital for several months.  His superiors have moved him for his safety to another police station, but the family are too afraid to go to school or do their shopping, and remain inside their house

Please pray for Basharat Khokher and his family - for protection, courage and wisdom.

Sources  1  2  and 3

If you would like to donate to the work of the BPCA please use the following details:

Pay by using the PayPal facility on the top right hand corner of our blog and electronic means of transfer will be initiated when you click donate written in the yellow oval. 

You can also send your contributions by cheque payable to;

British Pakistani Christian Association.
Address : British Pakistani Christian Association
57 Green Lane
IG1 1XG 

Alternatively should you wish you can pay by BACS, direct debit or standing order by paying into the following account details: 

Sort Code: 20-67-90 
Account Number: 63468976

Christian street cleaner shot dead in Gilgit

View from Gilgit - image from Wikipedia

According to the Express Tribune Newspaper, early this morning, a Christian street cleaner going about his duties was shot dead by unidentified gunmen in a 'drive-by' shooting in Gilgit, a remote town in the very north-eastern mountainous region of Pakistan.

Karamat Masih died on the spot.  His brother Liaquat was working with him, and was wounded, and is said to be 'stable' in hospital.

Although there has been quite a lot of 'sectarian violence' in Gilgit in the past year, this is the first time this year that a Christian has died.  However, local authorities are claiming (it is unclear how they know so soon when the gunmen are unidentified) that this was a personal feud where the gunmen missed the targets and hit the Christians 'by mistake'.

Whether that is the case or not, the fact that the killing happened very early in the morning illustrates one point - that Christian road sweepers typically try and get their work done extremely early in the morning to avoid the abuse they get later in the day.


If you would like to donate to the work of the BPCA please use the following details:

Pay by using the PayPal facility on the top right hand corner of our blog and electronic means of transfer will be initiated when you click donate written in the yellow oval. 

You can also send your contributions by cheque payable to;

British Pakistani Christian Association.
Address : British Pakistani Christian Association
57 Green Lane
IG1 1XG 

Alternatively should you wish you can pay by BACS, direct debit or standing order by paying into the following account details: 

Sort Code: 20-67-90 
Account Number: 63468976

Bizarre Bazaars

In this blog we often tell the stories of persecution, rape and murder that are the more or less daily lot of Christians in Pakistan.  

But discrimination and oppression takes many less news-worthy forms.  
The Punjab state government announced subsidies for Christmas bazaars in several Christian areas of Lahore.  In this case, bazaars are where subsidized clothes and other goods are sold at cheap prices at times when presents are expected.  They area also held at Ramzam (also known as Ramadan) a major Muslim festival period.  It means that poor people can afford the presents for children and others that are customary at this time.  

The trouble is that this year, the promised Christmas bazaars (desperately needed as most Christians in Pakistan are extremely poor) have not materialized, or at least not in Yahunabad, the major Christian area of the city.  Local Christians have charged that these bazaars 'exist only on paper' and in the speeches of Christian political leaders.  They claim billions of rupees were spent on Ramadan bazaars, but despite media campaigns and announcements by the government, no money has been earmarked for Christmas bazaars for Christians.  They complain that Christian political leaders (and indeed some affluent church pastors) have been using the poverty of Christians to score points, but do not actual take action, and remain indifferent.  One local Christian complained that

“The Christian population is being exploited by our representatives who fail to deliver on their promise"

He said no Christian lawmaker checked to see if the government was keeping to its promises, and portrayed them as out of touch with the Christian poor, and hosting events for the major political leader and twice former Pakistani PM Nawaz Sharif 

Friday, 28 December 2012

Blasphemy mob storms Christian run school

One we missed - there are so many (sigh).

On 1st December, in the Azad Town area of Lahore, someone anonymously called a local Islamic prayer leader and told him that someone at the Christian run school in the area had torn pages of the Quran in the school compound.  Naturally, as always happens, he immediately announced this 'fact' from the mosque loudspeakers, and quickly a mob, reported to be in the 100's gathered outside the school, which was run by Community Advanced Programs to help the children of the extreme poor in the area.  They intimidated a canteen worker to get the keys and open up the school to them, and then blocked a nearby main road, but fortunately the police arrived soon after and were able to seal the school off.

Local Muslim parents said that nearly 100 Muslim children were enrolled in the school and getting a free education, and described the school as 'one of the best in the area', and that the school was exemplary and 'never taught anything bad about Islam'.  They could not believe anyone at the school would do such a thing.

Once more, it appears that totally made up stories are an occasion for mob rule to harass the Christian minority.

Sources 1 and 2

Mentally ill man on blasphemy charges dies in police custody

A 22 year old, Nadeem Yousaf, was detained (not arrested) on accusations of blasphemy in the Nankana Sahib area.  He was alleged to have burned the Quran in a mosque, and the inevitable mob that ensued beat him and wanted to burn him alive - just like has already happened at least twice in Pakistan this year.  The police managed to save him, but had to sneak him out the back door of one police station and into another to avoid the mob that besieged the first police station.

After that, nothing.  8 days later he was found dead.  The police claim he died of natural causes.  Others claim he was forgotten and just starved to death (the police were having to deal with policing an Islamic festival with sectarian tensions).

It turns out that the local Uleema (Islamic) council had investigated and said there was no case to answer, no actual evidence against him.  That didn't stop the mob trying to murder him, and it didn't stop him from somehow ending up dead anyway whilst in so-called 'protective custody'.  That pretty much sums up the situation with the blasphemy laws - fabricated evidence or no evidence at all means you are screwed no matter what you do.  As one source pointed out, even if his beating did not contribute to his demise, being accused of blasphemy causes sheer terror and stress, which can be a contributory factor to a death.  

The boys father, Yousaf, said he was mentally unstable, and that he would not be pressing charges against the police.

The original newspaper article said the victim was a Christian, and this is how it has widely been reported, but the newspaper has since published a correction saying that it was incorrect to call him a Christian.  However, neither does it state he was Muslim.  We don't know the truth of this, as sources from Pakistan have said he was indeed a Christian.  Perhaps the paper is trying to prevent attacks on Christians.  Either way, whatever his faith background, Nadeem is yet another sad statistic in the endless line of victims of Pakistan's wicked and corrupting blasphemy laws.

Sources  1 2 3

Tuesday, 25 December 2012


The thought of the Righteous King taking His rightful place on the throne of Israel was too much for Herod to take. He wanted him dead. So Joseph and Mary flew to Egypt on God's angel counsel. And the child was safe. The Pharisees and all those legalists in the Jewish Council wanted Him dead also when He was preaching the kingdom of God to the lost people of Israel. His own kin did not understand Him. They did not recognise Him as the Messiah.
Now remember the rich man who went to hell and poor Lazarus who was taken to heaven in Abraham's bosom. Poor Lazarus suffered the poor man's suffering on earth while the rich man enjoyed all the pleasures of the rich on earth. He had no heart for poor Lazarus. But God is just.
So let's learn something from the sufferings of Christ's bride in Pakistan. They do not have a place of worship. They do not wear new clothes. They cannot give gifts to their children, They do no have a Christmas tree to decorate. Maybe they do not have food on Christmas day. They may lose dear ones today. There will be more grief today on this great day when we celebrate the birth of the Mighty king and Saviour.
Yet in many places on this earth where people are really enjoying Christmas with worship, sermons, songs, great food, splendid decorations, smart clothes, still is Christ in their midst?
The Lord never knew all this in His lifetime. The only thing He came for: to do His Father's will, that is to save lost souls.
The persecuted church taught me a lot about true Christianity. I have learnt to shrug off my shoulder over hurts. I don't have time to ponder on offences. When I look at my life I find so much sin that if I were God, I would send me to hell right away. But I love the Lord because He loves me so much. He is so gracious to me always. The free church wastes precious time to nurse supposed offences, to work out conflicts, to criticise other churches, to believe that we have it right, they have it wrong. But something we forget. Until Christ returns, we will never have it right.There will still be many things that we assume are correct the way we interpret them. Only Christ will know what is the correct teaching. Can't we tolerate each other on the basis of Christ shedding His blood for our sins and try to understand each other viewpoints and if we don't agree, leave it but continue to pray together and live lives worthy of Christ to bear the fruits of regeneration.
We need to have more time to think about, to pray for the persecuted church, to fast for them, to help them with resources and basic necessities of life, with finances. Remember all proceeds from God. We have absolutely nothing on this earth. Everything belongs to the King of Kings and His Father. Yet when He came on this earth, He was born of a poor virgin in a manger. He lived the life of a poor artisan. He died on a Cross. He bore God's mighty wrath for our sins. He was crushed for us.
If we seek God earnestly, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year and we teach our families to do the same, our pastors teach us to do the same and all churches do the same, God is a promise keeper. The mighty blood of Jesus will cleanse people, will change their hearts and minds. Is this task too difficult for God: to make rapists,  kidnappers of His daughters His children? It is NOT!!!!
We need to pray. It will happen. We have to be broken, on our knees, bodies fragmented, near collapse.
God bless you all this Christmas when we celebrate the One who made the universe and galaxies and the wonders of nature, babies, dogs and horses, fathers, mothers, daughters, sons, grandads, grandmas, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, friends and flowers and birds.

Monday, 24 December 2012

Not again - yet another blasphemy prisoner burned alive

We might as well copy and paste from a previous article, only changing the location, names and dates.  Details from the source are sketchy, but once again an apparently mentally unstable man - name unknown, but aged in his early 40's - is accused of blasphemy, this time desecrating the Quran, and is handed over to the police.  This time, it is Sindh province, not the Punjab, and the date is 23rd December, not late June / early July.  Once again, within a few short hours a broiling Muslim lynch mob storms the police station, this time snatching up police guns, but once again dragging the victim out and burning him (alive?) on the street outside with petrol.
Apparently a large police reinforcement battalion has arrived, 30 suspects have been arrested, and the entire local police station staff has been suspended under charges of negligence.  

The Mosque Mob that stole Christmas

For some businesses and homeowners in the UK, Christmas is a washout due to flooding.  But spare a thought for the Christians of Mehrabad, Rimsha Masih's home community.
Rimsha and her family will spend Christmas in hiding, fearing for their lives.  Things are little better for the community they left behind.  Although some Christians of Mehrabad have returned, some still live in tents in the nearby forest.  And for those who have returned, life is grim.  For them, the Grinch that stole Christmas is the fear of their Muslim neighbours and landlords.

Normally Christmas in this slum area is a time for presents and new clothes, but since virtually all the Christians lost their jobs when they had to flee into the forest or to relatives for weeks to avoid the murderous Muslim mobs, that isn't happening here.  Their choice - pay the rent, or put up the Christmas trees and decorations.  Both is just not possible.  The rent comes first.  But its not just terrible financial difficulty that has banished Christmas trees and carols this Christmas.  A few days ago, some Christians were discussing putting up one Christmas tree when Muslim youths came and mocked them saying 'You are talking about it, but you won't dare put it up'.  Usually the Christians would put neon stars on their houses, but now they are afraid to.

They have no place to worship, as their Muslim landlord has turfed them out of the rented building they used as a church after complaints from neighbours about the name.  He put up a wall and made it into two houses to hire out.  Journalists talked to a Christian resident, a sweeper, a father of 9, in his unheated, two room house.  'We are scared. We are frightened. We cannot sit together, we cannot speak loudly, we cannot celebrate openly. We have threats. If we sit together and talk, all of a sudden the Muslim owner of the house will come and ask ‘Why are you here, what are you talking about?'

Such is the level of fear and intimidation the Christians are suffering under, deathly afraid of another accusation, another rampaging mob looking for murder.  And it is quite clear that at least some of their Muslim neighbours are positively revelling in their power to destroy and intimidate and humiliate these desperately vulnerable Christians.

The BPCA has supported this community once before with your donations a few months ago.  It might be too late for Christmas, but any help at any time will be gratefully received.

The BPCA will continue it's fund to assist this community, if you would like to contribute please use the details below:

"Families of Rimsha Fund" (Please use the fund name as a reference) you can pay several ways;
Pay by using the PayPal facility on the top right hand corner of our blog and electronic means of transfer will be initiated when you click donate written in the yellow oval. 

You can also send your contributions by cheque payable to;

British Pakistani Christian Association.
Address : British Pakistani Christian Association
57 Green Lane
IG1 1XG 

Alternatively should you wish you can pay by BACS, direct debit or standing order by paying into the following account details: 

Sort Code: 20-67-90 
Account Number: 63468976


Agricultural Advent Poem

One of the BPCA's trustees, Nathanael Lewis, has written a poem for advent, and we post it here as many who have heard it at advent services have expressed appreciation for it's power and profundity.  He says 'This is especially apt for the Christians of Pakistan and other places who are suffering and persecuted this Christmas.  It reminds us of the true nature of Christmas, and the way  God works amidst the pain and confusing suffering of life, and I hope it can bring some encouragement to those who need it, to lighten despair and rekindle hope'.

Agricultural Advent (6-12-12)

In the dark earth, soil the fruit of blight
The divine farmer plants a rare seed tonight.
In the wreckage of dead dreams
And corrupted hope that seems
To mock all the promise of good
That the prophets of old said would
Redeem the world and end all strife
And bring God’s new order of life

The seed he planted was sown in the womb
Of Mary, the only Son, to break the tomb
Of twisted religion’s dreary dark tower
And leaven earth through with heaven’s power
Flower of hope watered with blood of babies slain
Prophecy of pain by a king whose mark was Cain.
He who is the hope of Israel amidst the gloom
Of fearful violence, was born to us to assume
The scapegoat burden of our corrupted pain
So this our dark earth could receive heaven’s rain
And by his sacrificial choice to love, from heaven’s bower
Sweet hope’s fragrance drifts down - scent of a resurrection flower

In this dark world, riven with decay
The divine farmer plants seeds again today
In the wombs of human hearts
He impregnates hope and starts
To nurture good from corruption
Preparing for the eruption
Of redemption’s dawn he has planned
To birth from the broken and damned

The seed he plants by surrender of hearts
To the strange logic of his arts
Where believing comes before seeing, and deeds
Are born out of nurturing fragile seeds
Of faith in the King born to die before he reigns
Whose blood is life that leeches through and so stains
Our souls that we become divine farmers who plant
Seeds of good deeds in this age, so where there aren’t
Fruits of peace and grace, our acts will produce
The harvest of hope’s reward that will induce
The Universe’s labour, the world’s womb turning inside out
To herald the new world’s King of Israel with a shout.

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Opposing Polio - Taliban campaign against health teams

A teenage Pakistani victim of polio (Photo ANJA NIEDRINGHAUS / AP)
Once a worldwide scourge, Polio is now basically confined to 3 countries, Nigeria, Pakistan and Afghanistan.  The World Health Organisation has made a goal of totally eradicating this disease.  Pakistan is one of the key battlegrounds, and the WHO is finding it a struggle.  Malnutrition may be one reason, but for sure, it is the intersection of the war on polio with another war that makes it an especial struggle.   The Taliban has long opposed vaccination programs.  It is unclear whether, like some Islamicists, including a UK doctor, they believe it is inherently sinful (there are Islamic scholars who take the opposite view), but they most certainly claim that it is part of an infidel western plot, and so target vaccination workers, whether Western (or other foreigners) or Pakistani.   They have long claimed that vaccination programmes are a cover for spying, even before the CIA used a fake vaccination program to help confirm Osama bin Laden's location in Pakistan, prior to their assassination of him.  In the tribal areas they control, the Taliban have banned the polio vaccination program, endangering the lives and health of some quarter of a million children.  But they, along with powerful cleric allies, are also gaining success in halting or delaying the program - and so endangering the lives of yet more children - in other areas, by the simple expedient of shooting and / or kidnapping the doctors and health care workers.  In July, a UN doctor was injured in an attack in Karachi.  
In October, gunmen on motorcycles shot up a vaccination team giving drops to under 5's in Quetta, and one victim was killed.
Then there was a series of co-ordinated attacks over a 20 minute period in Karachi, a favourite Taliban hunting ground, just yesterday.  Four women workers were shot dead, and the polio vaccination program has been suspended in the city.  Elsewhere, in Peshawar another female vaccination worker was fatally shot - she died of her injuries later that day.  
Experts say Pakistan is an especially key battleground against the disease because of the danger of reinfection of other nations.  Recent cases in China came from Pakistan, and the number of children paralysed in Pakistan has been rising, with 200 recorded last year.  
The Taliban once again show themselves to be students of evil and death.

Monday, 17 December 2012

Children in Dhoke Kala Khan Rawalpindi provided with Christmas Gifts of stationary and treats.

A young girl receives her gift of small treats including stationary, Sunday school material and sweets at Dhoke Kala Church Rawalpindi.

A church in Dhoke Kala requested some of the Sunday School material we delivered to Pakistan.  Shamim Masih duly delivered the items during a Christmas Celebration held at the church.  We are still collecting material to send and would also like to send bibles in English or Urdu.  If you can gift some material please post or deliver them to the address at the top of our blog.  Shamim Maish's report on the event is included at the end of the pictures.

The local Pastor and Shamim presented the gifts.

A warm reception was given to visitors in this house church.

The gift of God's word was provided in small tracts and Sunday School material.

26 Children were reached in total.

Even the tiny ones received gifts.

Children felt blessed at a particularly difficult Christmas for Christians in Pakistan, during a time when societal polarisation seems to be at its peak!

An enjoyable time was had by one and all!

The local Pastor prayed for peace and renewed hope.

ISLAMABAD PAKISTAN– (Shamim Masih): With the advent of December the Christian community of Dhoke Kala  Khan, Rawalpindi,  kicked off their preparations to celebrate the most important festival of the year Christmas!

With every passing day till the eve of Christmas, Pakistani Christians prepare to celebrate the festivity with increasing enthusiasm,  reaching a crescendo during the echo of church bells that announce the birth of Jesus. 

While preparing for Christmas Christians living in Pakistan renew their spirit through prayer and fellowship, celebrating Christmas throughout the month.

Pakistan Government has announced special security measures to protect Churches during this important season.  While the main Churches will be decorated the British Pakistani Christian Association (BPCA) is participating in these events through distributing gifts to Sunday School Students.

Shamim Masih, representing the BPCA has distributed gifts among the deserving children in remote area Dhoke Kala Khan, Rawalpindi.

Rev. Samuel Rehmat - local pastor of The Methodist Church of Pakistan requested the gifts in support of the children attending his church. 

The Church has celebrated its annual Christmas program in a house, at which more than 100 people attended including men, women, youth members and Children.

The BPCA has distributed gifts among 26 children to encourage them. Children were very excited and thanked the BPCA for sharing Christmas with them.

Talking to congregation the local pastor said;

"I am thankful to BPCA for distributing gifts in our church and I send Christmas greetings on behalf of my church. I pray that BPCA will continue its work in Pakistan as well as in our church."

He added;

"I pray for Wilson Chowdhry chairman  of the BPCA and his team. He has taken much risk upon himself and has suffered a beating and ban from our country for his love for us.  We pray that the Governemnt of Pakistan will remove that ban so that we might meet him one day and thank him for his service."

Friday, 14 December 2012

71 year old Swedish missionary martyred

A Swedish missionary, 71 year old Birgitta Almeby has died in Sweden where she was undergoing medical treatment for gunshot wounds sustained when she was shot outside her house in Lahore last week.

Almeby had lived and worked in Pakistan for 40 years, serving it's people with the love of Christ, working in health care and education for the betterment of the people she loved.  For this, apparently, this 71 year old was brutally gunned down.

The pensioner was deliberately targeted.  The church and it's leaders had been receiving death threats.  Two unknown men had approached the security guard at her residence and asked questions about this lady - who managed three orphanages and taught at a bible school, and managed the Full Gospel Assemblies group there.

The police claimed to be investigating 'all angles', which involved arresting her cook who is inside the house as she was attacked.  This was despite the eyewitness accounts that she was shot by two men on a motorbike.

Source 1 2 3 and 4

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Vijanti Meghwar : The Hindu Face of Pakistan
Vijanti Meghwar : The Hindu Face of Pakistan

Vijanti Meghwar : The Hindu Face of Pakistan 
 On 4 December 2012 six year old Vijanti Meghwar was brutally raped in Ghulam Nabi Shah village, district Taluka Pithoro Umerkot, in the Sindh province of Pakistan. Vijanti belongs to the Meghwar community of the country’s minority Hindu population. She was found unconscious and lying in the street. Such a heinous crime was made easier by the fact that the Meghwars are Hindu and therefore powerless and helpless against mass intolerance and bigotry.

Now the persecution of religious minorities in Pakistan is nothing new. Violence and atrocities against the minority population of Sindh has continued for many years but the Hindu minority are increasingly being treated worse than animals. Kidnapping of their girls and sexually assaulting their innocent children has crossed all bounds of humanity, made easier by the ‘untouchable’ status which these powerless Hindu minorities are forced to exist under. Journalists attempting to report the story of Vijanti have also been threatened. Under these circumstances is it any surprise that the persecution of Hindus in Pakistan rarely gets reported?

I have worked for a few years now with other organisations representing Pakistani minorities such as Christians in order to highlight the oppressive atmosphere under which these communities have to subsist. Through protests, petitions and even meetings at the High Commission the collective of such groups has implored the government of Pakistan to look seriously at the situation. But instead of improving the matters have only got worse. Pakistan receives substantial aid from British taxpayers, money which is being used to effectively ethnically cleanse the country of its indigenous minorities with total impunity. Only the day before Vijanti was raped, property developers razed a Hindu temple in the Doli Khata area of Karachi.

 The tragic case of Vijanti is therefore not an isolated phenomenon. In February 2012 over 200 Hindus fled Pakistan after 19-year old Rinkle Kumari was abducted her village Mirpur Mathelo in Ghotki province of Pakistan, and subsequently forcibly converted and forcibly married. Her abductors had powerful political connections and after two months the country’s supreme court ruled against her parents. Kidnappings, rapes, forcible conversions and constant harassment are therefore a daily routine for Hindus who dare to remain in their homeland of Pakistan and suffer the humiliation of being third class citizens and subhumans in the eyes of the majority and legal system

Yet the world averts its gaze at these atrocities. Contrast this with how much attention was given to Rimsha Masih, the disabled Christian girl who was accused under Pakistan’s draconian blasphemy laws. Or Malala Yousafzai, the Muslim girl shot by the Taliban when she attempted to promote education for females. Do Hindus simply not count when it comes to evaluating human rights abuses? Where are the international denunciations?

Where are the protests? Is there silence with regards to Vijanti Meghwar and Rinkle Kumari simply because they are Hindus? Uncomfortable questions indeed but they need to be asked in the face of global apathy.

Rinkle Kumari leaflet released in Karachi

Monday, 3 December 2012

Wilson Chowdhry speaks at Canadian Christian benefit concert to raise funds for new school in rural Pakistan

Wilson Chowdhry raps to Ooberfuse's Free Asia Bibi song.

Wilson Chowdhry and Ooberfuse performing at the "Love Thy Neighbour International" Pakistan Benefit Concert.

Wilson Chowdhry of the British Pakistani Christian Association was invited to speak and perform with Electropop band Ooberfuse at a charity event in Canada, organised by Love Thy Neighbour International (LTNI) a not-for-profit human rights organization dedicated to the promotion of religious  freedom worldwide and international development projects for religious minorities in Pakistan.  The group held there first annual "James 2:8 Benefit" Friday 30th November 2012 at Grand Olympia Hospitality and convention Center In Hamilton, Ontario.

The event was organised to raise funds towards their latest project to build a Primary School and Health Clinic in Youhanabad, Pakistan.

Special guests included Federal Members of Parliament David Sweet and Harold Albrecht; Mark Dotzert, National Councilor of the Conservative Party of Canada; Rt. Honorable Reverend Sir James Thomas and Krystyna Thomas; Dr. Peter and Tracey Marshall of Victory International Church; Pastors Tony and Vicky Schleiffer from Faith FM93.9 Brantford; keynote speaker Michael Coren, author and host of The Arena on Sun News Network; Wilson Chowdhry, Chairman of the British Pakistani Christian Association; and British electro-pop band Ooberfuse.

Wilson Chowdhry, BPCA presented a brief summary outlining the situation of Christians in Pakistan and the history surrounding religious intolerance; while Serena Samuel (Media Coordinator, LTNI) discussed the project’s details and how LTNI would create indigenous income sources to support the school and clinic’s sustainability. 

Wilson Chowdhry commented;

"Pakistani Christians face increasing discrimination and persecution yet any voice of opposition is either killed or assassinated, it is essential that world humanitarians speak out for them.  I was pleased to share our research with Pakistani Christian in Canada who share our passion for justice for those suffering in the homeland and are challenging for change."

Michael Coren, well versed in international issues specifically surrounding the Middle East, U.S. and Europe is an avid supporter of religious freedom in Canada.  His criticisms of Pakistan’s Blasphemy Laws were echoed throughout the evening by all guests.

The evening also featured a special performance by Ooberfuse featuring Wizard MC (Wilson Chowdhry), including several songs; specifically ‘Free Asia Bibi’ and ‘Blood Cries Out’ which they wrote in tribute to Pakistan’s former Minister for Minorities Shahbaz Bhatti who was assassinated in March, 2011 for his fervent stand against the Blasphemy Laws and support of Asia Bibi. LTNI also awarded six ‘Excellence in Leadership and Community Service Awards’ to several local and international deserving persons including Wilson Chowdhry and Ooberfuse.

The tour included performances at a well know local Cafe.

Hundreds of big names attended the event to learn more about the situation in Pakistan.

Federal Ministers Albrecht and Sweet holding their Tshirts gifted by Vincent Samuel.

Wilson Chowdhry was thanked for his efforts for Pakistani Christians by Federal Minster Sweet.

Busy all the time a performance was also held at a local church.

Wilson spoke of the maltreatment of minorities in Pakistan at Munchies Cafe.