Sunday 27 January 2013

Faisalabad Church attacked by 4 gunmen - culprits siad to belong to Pakistani authorities!

Here is a very disturbing letter we have received from a pastor who is obviously very frightened from an alleged attack on his church.  We ask Christians to pray for justice in this incident, we report on this story prima facie:

Dear Brother and Sisters,

I want to share with you all a terrifying incident took place on 27 Jan 2013 at 1:00 pm, when some Muslim extremists attacked on my home and Church in Faisalabad.

I am the Senior Pastor and Minister of  ‘Christian Life Ministry’ (CLM) Church, Faisalabad since 2003.  We have a strong congregation and members worship regularly most evenings; every Sunday our church is full of faithful members.
The Church is a registered Pentecostal Church with the Government of Pakistan since 2003.  We are located at [We have been provided with an address that we keep anonymous].

During the incident a group of 4 gunmen on motorcycles (without number plates) came to thefront gate of my church and started firing in the air.  They abused Christians and shouted threats that they would "not spare any Christians today". 

At once I called the police and neighbours for assistance and the safety of parishioners. In the meanwhile the attackers kept firing and abusing Christians.

A large number of Christians gathered at the end of a local alley and tried to capture the gunmen, responding to my request for help. 

Our Christian community ran toward the Pastors home and Church to save us.  When the attackers saw the large numbers of people coming to our aid they started firing in the direction of the crowd, whilst trying to make a getaway.

Two gunmen along with their guns and motorcycle were captured by our vigilant community.  Soon the police arrived and took control of the event arresting the extremists. 

My nephew Faisal (an advocate) and I went to Gulberg Police station and registered an FIR against the perpetrators.  During investigation it was revealed that one attacker was a policeman and another was a member of Pakistan armed forces. Two of the assailant escaped the scene of the crime.

Local Police registered the FIR.No;52/2013 at police station Gulberg,Faisalabad. Please pray for the safety of our Church and Christians living in my area.

From Senior Pastor Ajman Chaughtai
CLM Church Faisalabad, Pakistan.

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