Sunday 27 January 2013

Christians attacked in Phool Nagar!

Lead reports on another attack on Chrustians this time from a village called  Phool Nagar.  We report on this story prima facie:
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Mr.Patras works as stitch operator in a Factory, in Phool Nagar. on Eid-Ul-Muladul Nabi he was on holiday and was at home with his family members.  Some Muslims drug sellers passed by front of his door at near about 5:30 PM evening .They opened fire at his door and when he came out from his house to see what happened, he was  fired upon.  Mr Patras ran away from the house to save his life.

Mr.Patras told other Christians about theincident .  Some Christians thought that they should tell  locally known respectable Muslims about the attack in hope they would intervene. 

Those  respectable Muslims obtained guns and opened fire at the Christian petitioners and made them stand in a row.They made verbal threats "if any one of you  submit any application against any Muslim in a police station, we  will kill you".They also said "you are Christian insects and have no power to do any thing against us", and "you are slaves and trivial and tiny before us, we will burn your houses and church" said Mr Patras.

Other Christian have made similar reports to Lead and feel under threat from the drug sellers.

A local man said;

"There were already many criminal cases against these dealers and they don't care, what will be the benefit of submitting an application in a Police station against them?",He also added that he was worried about his children.

Some Christians  reported that such incidences happen often, that they ahve become a target and cannot avoid the attacks.  They do not feel safe in Pakistan and fear that their livlihood could be taken away form them at anytime..

Sardar Mushtaq Gill advocate and Chief of LEAD strongly condemned the attacks. he said;

"These attacks cause great insecurity amongst Pakistani Christians, the Government must take some strong steps to eliminate such elements from society."

LEAD is a Christian relief,development and advocacy organization dedicated to working with Children,families and communities to overcome poverty and injustice.As followers of Jesus,we are motivated by God's grace and love to serve all people regardless of race,religion gender or ethnicity. 

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