Sunday, 22 September 2013

At least 60 martyrs killed and 45 injured after two suicide bombers targeted a Peshawer Church

Peshawar blast kills 56 Christians with a further 45 in critical condition.

Parishioners of St John's Church located in the Qissa Khawani bazaar of Peshawar were targeted this morning in an attack by two suicide bombers.  Thus far the death toll lies at 56 and a further 45 critically injured victims have been taken to Lady Reading Hospital, located nearby.

The unprovoked attack occurred as parishioners were leaving the packed church of 600 worshippers, at the end of their morning service.  

Parishioners were caught totally unaware resulting in a huge fatality rate.  Six women and 4 children were counted amongst the dead and the attack has caused huge anxiety and terror within this Christian community.
Despite their fears the grieved relatives supported by other Christians, have been protesting against the lack of Police protection and devastation they have suffered, outside the church all day.  
We call on Christians and other humanitarians to pray for peace in Pakistan, for solace for this community and for justice to prevail - where so often it has failed in Pakistan.
Geo News have filmed the devastation which can be viewed here:
Wilson Chowdhry Chairman of the BPCA said;

"News of this bombing shocked me to the core.  In my time as Chairman of the BPCA I have never heard of a targeted attack on Christians which cost so many lives.  This suffering which has reached genocidal proportions must come to an end. Serious International intervention is required to prevent the total extermination of Christians from Pakistan."

He added;

"This incident alone illustrates that the farcical rejection of Pakistani Asylum seekers by the UKBA, based on a premise of internal location - is long overdue a rethink."

The BPCA has announced it will hold a protest outside the Pakistan High Commission, Knightsbridge, London on Tuesday 24th September from 12:00.  The protest will move to 10 Downing Street for 15:00.  More details to follow in further posts.

Shamim Mahmood our BPCA Field representative will be visiting the community today to gauge how we can provide assistance. The BPCA will be opening a disaster recovery fund to help this beleaguered community.

If you would like to donate to our relief work our bank details are as follows:
Sort Code: 20-67-90
Account number: 63468976
Bank: Barclays
Ref:  Peshawar Bomb Blast

Alternatively if you would like to send a one of donation please use the pay-pal facility on the top right hand corner of our blog, or simply send a cheque made payable to the  BPCA  to our address 57 Green Lane, Ilford, Essex, IG1 1XG.
With your support we hope to change the lives of millions of Christians in Pakistan.


  1. Peter Tatchell Human Rights Activist22 September 2013 at 15:32

    Thanks for alerting me Wilson.

    Very sad news. My condolences to the families affected.

    I will tweet and facebook this story.

    MUCH appreciation and admiration re your exposure of these human rights abuses.

    Solidarity! Peter


  3. We must pray at all times 4 the christians around the world.many r suffering.

  4. The whole world is not only crying but extremely
    condemning this sad news of savage brutality on the
    most peaceful Christian worshipers in the Catholic church of Peshawar, Pakistan. Government should take a serious action against extremists because it
    is the first duty of State to save lives of minority communities, properties & churches.
    Agnes Massey

  5. Just I can pray and shed my tears to all of our brothers and sisters in Pakistan. I remember them from morning to night in my prayers everyday.

    James Swapan Peris

  6. ...some people in the world say that God could not create a place like Hell... its perfect for these people... all murderers will see hell fire if the dont repent and be saved by the Lord Jesus Christ.

  7. some people say that God would not create a terrible place like Hell... its perfect for these people... all murderers will see hell fire if they dont repent in the name of Jesus Christ our Savior... Amen.
