Sunday, 22 September 2013

London protest against the bombing of Christians in Peshawer

Injured survivors receiving aid after the explosion.

The BPCA is holding a protest in opposition to the bombing of innocent Christians, whilst leaving a church service in Peshawar.  Over 100 Christians were killed in an attack on Sunday 22nd September, instigated by two suicide bombers posing as police officers, that is said to be a retaliation by the Taliban for US drone attacks in Pakistan (read more here).  This is the single biggest murder of Pakistani Christians in recent years and is an indication of the inability for the state to protect itself.  We call on the British Government to give aid and support to beleaguered Christians and other minorities in Pakistan, We urge Pakistan authorities to conduct a full investigation and to ensure that justice is upheld so that extremist no longer believe they are immune from the law.  We pray for solace for the victims, their friends and families and all those by the recent attack.

11:00: Set up to the fore of Pakistan Embassy, Lowndes Square, Knightsbridge (feel free to join us and to assist) 

 1 hour worship service

13:00: Submission of petition at Pakistan Embassy 

13:10 - 14:00:
 30 minutes of political speeches and rallying.
14:00: Protesters head towards 10 Downing Street
15:00: Arrive at 10 Downing Street - 10 minutes of political speeches
15:10: Submission of Petition at 10 Downing Street
15:15: Speakers including unplanned speakers.
16:00: Prayer and close.

Guests include:
  • Upkar Rai - British Sikh Council
  • John Bosco - Christian Social Link
  • Jesbir Singh - Free Sarabjit Singh Campaign
  • Ranbir Singh - Hindu Human Rights Group
  • Peter Tatchell - International Human Rights Campaigner
  • Rubab Mehdi Rizvi - Barrister and Human Rights Activist (Former European Spokesperson for the Pakistan Ministry for human rights.
  • OOberfuse to perform song composed to remember the victims of All Saint's Church.
  • Other speakers will be added to this growing list.
We will be holding a 1 minute silence for the most recent of Pakistan's Martyrs.

Please complete a comment if you will be coming to encourage others

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