Monday, 30 September 2013

BPCA supports French Christians in protest at Paris

Pakistani Christians of France were supported by the BPCA in their protest against the attack in Peshawar.

Pakistani Christians in France took to the streets of Paris on Saturday 28th September 2013, to protest against the ongoing terror faced by Christians in Pakistan.  The event was triggered by the killing of over 100 innocent parishioners of All Saints Church in Peshawar, in the courtyard of their church after their Sunday service on Sunday 22nd September 2013.  A group linked to the Taliban have claimed responsibility for the attack and have stated that the explosions were in retaliation to US Drone Attacks in the Khyber Paktunkwa Area that they allege has led to the death of hundreds of innocent Muslims.

Over 50 Christians from the estimated 400 Pakistani Christians living in France joined the protest.  The event was organised by Allelujah France and the British Pakistani Christian Association.  A petition calling for France to reconsider its existing relationship with Pakistan  and for the Government of Pakistan to protect all people living in the nation, were to be submitted to the Pakistan Embassy and French Parliament.

Allelujah France is a group created as a network for spiritual and community support for Pakistani Christians living in across France.  Leader of the Group Xavier Francis said;

"The unprovoked attack on Christians in Peshawar is an appalling act of violence and is a reminder of the ongoing threat faced by religious minorities in Pakistan."

Wilson Chowdhry Chairman of the British Pakistani Christian Association said;

"My wife lost 13 members of her family in this tragic incident, spanning three generations. We have contacted Urdu Fellowships across the UK and every one has at least one member that has suffered human loss in this - the worst tragedy to hit Pakistani Christians in recent times."

He added;

"This act of violence has created huge anxiety and a greater sense of hopelessness amongst Christians in Pakistan, who already suffer severe intolerance and prejudice.  Their perceived value in a society of weak government and immense extremism has reached a nadir. Unless Pakistan's Government takes seriously it's responsibility to protect this vulnerable minority, the continued attacks will lead to the eventual extermination of Christians living there."

Large banners described the atrocity in France.

The BPCA banner highlighted the global opposition to the attacks in Peshawar.

Though small in number protesters challenged Pakistan to protect Minorities on Pakistan.

The protest was filmed by GEO TV and covered by the Jaang Newspaper.

Our demonstration remained peaceful.

A coffin draped in a Pakistani flag symbolised the death of innocent minorities living there.

An image of the burning of the church in Mardan reminded us all, that this was simply one of many atrocities that has caused great suffering to persecuted Christians of Pakistan.

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