Thursday, 3 October 2013

Faith leaders join together to sow seeds of peace after the pain of recent attacks in Kenya and Pakistan.

The Hindu and Jain Communities of United Kingdom would like to invite the diverse communities and faith we have in the U.K. to come together to hold a Sokh Sabha (coming together of families, friends and the communities at times of a death or tragedy such as this to give support, condolences and prayers to the departed and the family).

Venue - Jain Samaj Europe, Jain Centre, 32 Oxford St., Leicester, LE1 5XU  
Date – Friday 4th October 2013.
Time – 19.30 to 20.45

Mukesh Naker of the group said;

"We welcome everyone from all communities and faiths to come and share in this service. 
The initial invite that went out prompted the Kenyan community to request inclusion. We also had a request from the Pakistani Christian community on the recent killings in Pakistan for inclusion. We welcome both communities and have a representative from each to share their experience and to share in our common prayers and coming together of our diverse faiths and communities."

The terrorist attack on the Westlands supermarket in Nairobi, Kenya started @ 12.00 GMT on Sat 21st Sept. 2013 and which as of 26th Sept 2013 has claimed 67 civilians and several members of the security forces dead. . It is a stark reminder of the Mumbai attacks started on Wed 26th Nov 2008 and finished on Sat. 28th Nov.2008. Death came to 164 victims and the last count of the wounded is around at least 308. 

Some may have heard the report from one of The Economists reporters relate the story of a Christian African Kenyan who managed to save himself by displaying his Id. Card only showing his Muslim sounding surname. Next to him was an Indian who when he could not name the mother of the prophet, was executed on the spot.

For the Hindu, Sikh & Jain communities the expected loss of lives is likely to reach 25/26 dead. As it is for so many other communities and nationals who too have lost loved ones from not only in Kenya but from round the world. This is yet another reminder of people who espouse a particular view of how humanity, society and politics should be. It is a view and an order that does not respect other religions, communities or the personal freedoms of individuals.

The twin suicide bombings has claimed over 150 victims and an additional 100 casualties are being treated in Lady Reading Hospital, in the nearby vicinity. The unprovoked attack caused significant outrage amongst Christians of Pakistan, leading to protests across the country. Calls for better protection of all minorities within Pakistan have been submitted to the Government. 

Wilson Chowhry Chairman of the British Pakistani Christian Association has been invited to share his thoughts on the recent attack in Pakistan.  He said of the event;

"This coming together of key humanitarians is an opportunity to promote peace at a time when many feel appalled and distraught at the severity of recent attacks, that have resulted in huge losses of life.  The BPCA intends to use this meeting as time for reflection and solace - promoting the value of humanity, whilst condemning the acts of violence meted out on innocent minorities."

He added;

"We hope to build long term partnerships that will help to deliver a better future for posterity."

He will be joined by a diverse plethora of keynote speakers.

Time Item Speaker Organisation
19.01 Arrival, meeting & greetings Opportunity for guests & speakers to introduce each other Jain Samaj Europe & British Hindu Voice as hosts
19.15 Speakers set up

Pradip Mehta & Bhupen Dave Jain Samaj Europe & British Hindu Voice
19.35 Opening Prayers
Pradip Mehta – Jain Prayer & Mahendrabhai Pandya Sanatan Prayer
Jain Samaj Europe & Jalaram Mandir, Leicester
Reading from Gita
Pravinbhai Ruparalia Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Leicester
19.48 Local Kenyans Experience Perez Ochieng Director - Sahara Communities Abroad (SACOMA), London
19.53 Asian & Non-African Experience Parit V. Dodhia Mitul Shah's brother-in-law, London. Mitul was one of the earliest casualties.
Message from
Ushaben Mehta
President - Jain Samaj Europe. Leicester
Message from
Surinderpal Rai
Gen Secretary - Sikh Gurdwaras Leicester
Message from
Ranjit Flora
Vice President - Namdhari UK, Leicester
Message from
Bishop Tim Stevens Church of England, Leicester
Message from
Suleman Nagdi, PRO - Federation of Muslim Organisations, Leicester
Message from
Wilson Chowdhry Chairman - British Pakistani Christian Association, London

20.28 Vote of thanks Mukesh Naker Communications Officer - British Hindu Voice
20.33 Closing prayers TBC
20.45 Sokh sabha concludes

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