Friday, 30 July 2010

Premier Christian Radio reports on our protest tomorrow!

Here is an extract from the Premier Christian Radio news broadcast that has been playing from today and will continue tomorrow:

Finally Asian Christian concerns are being raised on a larger platform.  We need as much support at the protest tomorrow of we are to continue the impetus.

Sunrise Radio will be playing a story in their regular hourly news from 08:00 tomorrow and BBC Asia Network will be playing a news story from 11:00. 

Do please listen out for these stories and tell us what you think.

Stop saying nothing is being achieved by our protest!

Many of you will already be aware that during his trip to India, David Cameron our Conservative Primeminister, condemned the "Export of terror" undertaken by Pakistan.  The Telegraph have written a very intuitive report about the concern that most Pakistani's have known for a long time.

The weak Pakistan Government which is based on a very flimsy democracy, has resulted in a country, that purports support for the Western war against terror while the nation tacitly colludes with the Taliban - allowing .  Moreover, alleged Government insouciance, purposeful ignorance and private agreements have allowed fanatical elements to breed the next generation of terrorists throughout Pakistan.  

Read more here:

If we keep being vocal and our much stronger leadership spearheaded by David Cameron take note and engage with the Pakistani Government to resolve the Human Rights and International Terrorism issues, anything can be achieved.  Besides, Pakistan is reliant on US and British grants and this empowers our governments to coerce change, whereas the voiceless communities in Pakistan have no other hope of being heard. 

David Cameron has been brave enough to speak out and is the first British Leader to do so - let us now do our part.

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Support from Lambeth Palace - Archbishop Rowan Williams is praying for Pakistani Christians!

Lambeth Palace the London residence of the Archbishop of Canterbury and Main Offices for the Anglican Church

Our invitation to the Archbishop of Canterbury or other Bishops was sent to late this year.  However, Lambeth Palace have indicated their support for this weekends event and have advised that they will be praying for the Situation in Pakistan.  Moreover, the Archbishop has met with the President of Pakistan at the end of last year. Read more in the response received below:

"Dear Mr Chowdry

Thank you very much for your email on this important issue. As you will be aware, the Archbishop regards the abuse of the blasphemy laws as a serious matter which once again appears to have led to the murder of Christians in Pakistan. The Archbishop has addressed his concerns to the President of Pakistan directly and a delegation on his behalf met with the Prime Minister of Pakistan at the end of last year. The recent events make it clear how necessary it is for action to be taken by the Pakistani authorities.

I am glad to see that Bishop Michael Nazir Ali will be present at the event and I recall that in addition Bishop Tony Robinson attended last November. I will draw the event to the attention of those in London who might be able to attend although you will appreciate that with the very short notice this will be difficult for many. Archbishop Rowan is not able to attend as he has other engagements in his diary, but he would wish you to know that the Christian community in Pakistan is constantly in his prayers.

Yours sincerely

Guy Wilkinson
Canon Guy Wilkinson
National Inter Religious Affairs Adviser & Secretary for Inter Religious Affairs to the Archbishop of Canterbury"
Archbishop Rowan Williams and the Anglican Church have done their part, now will you do yours! 

Please come to our Peace Rally on the 31st July 2010. 

Bishop Mike Reid Joins the Cause!

The Jovial Bishop Mike Reid

Bishop Mike Reid of Mike Reid Ministry will now be speaking at our event. Here is a small Biography provided by his team:

"A tireless ambassador for the Kingdom of God, Bishop Michael Reid founded Peniel Church in Essex, UK 35 years ago.

Now God has a new task for him to build up 'What God Can Do Ministries'. His determination to obey God whatever the cost and his strong convictions have moulded his life and ministry. It is through his preaching of the gospel that many worldwide have come to know Jesus Christ as their Saviour.

Michael Reid believes by building on the foundation of our biblically based family ethos, and maintaining a focus of miracles, healing and faith, the church can expand under God-anointed leadership – regardless of ‘qualification’. There are countless examples throughout history of God using men as leaders, oftentimes, when according to human logic, they might seem unqualified for the job. Such was the case with Bishop Michael Reid, an atheist policeman, whose life was transformed by the grace of God in a meeting led by late Demos Shakarian [founder of Full Gospel Businessmen’s Fellowship International]. At the meeting under divine instruction God told Demos “Go get that man, I have a work for him to do” and Bishop Reid’s life in Christ began.

As he started in the work God had given him, Bishop Reid quickly discovered God had given him the gifts of healing, discernment, knowledge and deliverance. He has been operating in these gifts – praying for the sick and preaching the gospel ever since with miracles and healing following.

The Beginning:

Bishop Reid always encourages people to remember their beginnings as the apostle John did in 1 John 1 & 2. Our beginning in God is the foundation of ones christian life. Such was the case with Bishop Reid. In 1976 God told a reluctant Bishop Michael Reid to start preaching and so he started a Bible study in his own home. He continued his job in marketing for 3 years before entering into ministry full time.

From the moment of his new birth, God gave Bishop Reid a yearning for knowledge and he avidly studied the Bible and the writings of men inspired by God such as George Fox, George Whitefield, Charles Spurgeon and Smith Wigglesworth.

His Bible-based teaching forms the central part of his ministry with the emphasis on preaching Jesus and redemption truth; and stressing “However, my purpose is always and only to lift up Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2) and to magnify His name."

At his conversion Bishop Michael Reid heard what seemed to him to be an audible voice tell him, “Give all you have and I will provide.” He promptly placed the entire contents of his wallet in the offering bowl and has continued to live by this principle ever since."

Achievements & Academic Success:

1994 - Honorary Doctor of Divinity from Christian Faith University, Nigeria
1998 - Earned Masters of Arts in Practical Theology from Oral Roberts University, Tulsa, Oklahoma. USA
2000 - Earned Doctor of Ministry from Oral Roberts University, Tulsa, Oklahoma. USA
2003 - Bishop [Dr] Michael Reid presented his doctoral paper on Strategic Level Spiritual Warfare at the 23nd annual meeting for the Society for Pentecostal Studies. The Wesleyan Theological Society members were also present.
2003 - Started PhD WITH Open University researching the topic “Oral Roberts’ whole man ministry”
2003 - Honorary Doctor of Divinity from Oral Roberts University, Tulsa, Oklahoma. USA
Other achievements
Bishop Michael Reid was honoured with one of the highest accolades a university can bestow when he was presented with an honorary Doctor of Divinity at the Commencement Ceremony at Oral Roberts University, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA in the presence of a crowd of 10,000. Then, Dr Richard Roberts, President of Oral Roberts University, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA presented the doctorate. Furthermore, Dr Richard Roberts introduced Bishop [Dr] Michael Reid by saying he felt it was fitting that after earning a Masters degree in Practical Theology in 1998 and Doctor of Ministry degree in 2000, he be awarded this honorary degree in recognition of a time of service to worldwide Christianity. He dedicated the degree to those who have had an enormous impact in his life; Demos Shakarian and his good friends, the late Archbishop Benson Idahosa, Dr T. L. Osborn and Chancellor Oral Roberts.

He conducted an interview regarding the situation in Pakistan, with the BPCA, this can be viewed by clicking the link below:

Monday, 26 July 2010

Tragedies in Pakistan continue.........

Prayer is the tool - Jesus is the answer!

Despite the work of so many institutions, groups and individuals, Pakistan has changed little and infringements of Human Rights continue.  The BPCA has been talking to Diane Ofori of the Christian Party about this and her reply was:

"Stand up and be counted people of GOD! Like the parable of the Samaritan we cannot turn a blind eye like the Pharisees and Levities What we must understand is this, these battles are won in spiritual warfare, the Church of CHRIST must pray!!!!

"For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds." 2 Corinthians 10:4 (King James Version)Church of the LORD JESUS CHRIST, set aside time this week to seek GOD in prayer and fasting for our Brothers and Sisters in Pakistan.

"Blessed is the he who has regard the weak; the LORD delivers him out of trouble." Psalms 41:1

GOD Bless


This seems like a sensible message to the BPCA and we are encouraging churches and Christians up and down the country and internationally in joining us for a global day of prayer and fasting, dedicated to bringing peace in Pakistan.  We have set the date of Sunday the 1st August (anniversary of Gojra incident) and ask others to join us in a time of prayer and fasting from 20:00 - 20:00 on Monday 2nd August (or as long as you can manage).    If any churches or brothers are willing to participate please inform us by writing something on our blog.


1. MP Stephen Timms could not make it to our event however, a representative from his office will be joining us.
2. The Evangelical Alliance have produced a press release which is being cascaded to the media tomorrow - they have cascaded details of our event through their membership.
3.Premier Christian Radio will be running bulletins this week and will interview Wilson on Friday to promote the event.
4. Sunrise Radio will be interviewing Wilson at 10:15 tomorrow for a prepiece on their radio station.
5. The Christian Muslim Forum are seeking a prominent Muslim speaker to join us on the protest - alternatively they will prepare a statement to be read at our Peace Rally.
6.  St Johns Baptist Church,Shoreditch's Pastor Christopher will be joining us and will speak at our event.
7.  Although Walthamstow Church have arranged a summer jaunt to South end on the date of our protest their Pastor has promoted the event in their church.  We will pray for good weather for these holiday makers and for our event.
8. Paster Samuel Noel from the Southall Church will be speaking at our event and has promoted the event frequently.
9. Rev Amelia Jacob and Canon Toby Crowe from St James Church Alperton, return again this year.  they have promoted the event in their church.
10.  Matthew Jones from Christian Solidarity Worldwide will be speaking at our event, information is being cascaded through their network.
11.  Former Newham Councillor Alan Craig will be speaking at our event.
12.  Women against Fundamentalism will be sending a speaker and will be attending.
13.  Ranbir Singh from the Hindu Human Rights Group will be speaking and encouraging his community to support the event.

The Christian Party are fully supportive of our event and they will be cascading details of the event through their network.  Although, their Leader Rev George Hargreaves will not be able to make it his Second in command Paula Watson will be speaking at the event.

Don't forget Michael Nazir Ali former Bishop of Rochester will be speaking at our event and David Prasad who cannot attend will be sending a spokesperson for Castewatch.

Nurse Magdalene case in turmoil - Shazia Bashir case justice all over again!

In the image above the text provided by Sunny Gill updates us on the progress with Nurse Magdalene's rape case.  In her witness testimony to the Court Nurse Magdalene has purported that more than one assailant was involved in her rape and that she was thrown out of a window and did not jump.  To date only one Doctor  Jabbar has been brought to court for impending prosecution.  

The story provided by Sunny Gill alludes to the prosecution lawyer who was meant to represent Nurse Magdalene, denying that her case deserves merit.  From the story provided it would seen that the judicial magistrate has demanded and filed that the Police must present a fine to Doctor Jabbar.  The police however are not extended the remand for Doctor Jabbar. 

Again I see before me the same machinations that arose around the Shazia Bashir case.  The propensity for cases of rape against Christian girls in Pakistan failing is alarming.  Nurse Magdalene who has survived being thrown out of a 4th floor window of a hospital she was working in, after a case of extreme gang rape - will not see justice done - I believe! 

Where are the Christian support agencies and legal agencies that are meant to be safeguarding our people.  Why are they so quiet? 

 I am increasingly disturbed by the manner in which these cases fail and pray that somehow this current situation is brought to a more appropriate conclusion.

Peaceful protest if big enough will cause the stir we need!

Now the only missing part of the Jigsaw is you! Each one of you that joins us is worth their weight in Gold!

I have excellent news for you all, we have been given permission for a small stage at the location of our worship service opposite the Pakistani Embassy.  The police have confirmed we can implement this equipment which will add great impact to the event itself and will make things seem a little more professional.

 There is some bad news however, on the same day The English Defence League will be holding a protest just after ours and after them a counter protest will be held by the Muslim Defence League. 

You can imagine that during both these marches emotions will be stirred up.  We as Christians need to show the public that we are a peaceful, loving people and I would ask that those attending are on their best behaviour.  Moreover, we have also been told that if we do not have a large enough number our event will be walking on the streets, rather then on the main road, so I urge you all to not only bring yourselves but all your friends and relatives also.  If our event is too small the other two will get TV coverage and we again will become the forgotten minorities. 

Romail Gulzar of Pukaar News has created a promotional piece for our forthcoming protest event:

A map of the route of our protest can be found here:

For those of you who do not know how to get to the Pakistani Embassy a link to a map, their address and contact details is provided below:

Things are hotting up in Pakistan and here in London - Mahatma Gandhi once said:

"You must be a part of the change you wish to see in the world"

How many of you will join the number........!

What lies beneath.....?

We cannot sweep this concern under rug - However, let us investigate before drawing conclusions!

I have received a very disturbing email that describes a despicable attempt at forced conversion.  I have asked the sender to provide more information and to evidence what has happened.  I have also forwarded the message to groups such as CLAAS, Release and Christian Solidarity Worldwide. The email is unedited and I send the news prima facie:

"Greetings in the name of our lord Jesus

“Who said that for the name of me you will suffer”

So its happening ,I have a very sad story of a Christian family ,yesterday the women came from my grand parents village Thacker Kay in Daska Tehsel ,district Sialkot…..,

She talked about the people of my village and told me about one of my relative, he is suffering in these days; He has wife and kids …..He passed metric and was a herbal medicine doctor ,,,he was working in his own shop and the Muslim fellow gave him a gift of small rug ….it was the Rug for hanging on wall …on it was written the name of Muslims prophet ….he spread it down………one peasant came he saw that he spread it down our holy Rug ,,he told people in mosque …the Muslims of whole village came …and beaten him .and said ,,,accept Islam otherwise we will kill you ….they had guns in their hands …… relative accepted Islam ……they put him in house like slave alone ,,,they married his wife with the Muslim man ,,,one of his young daughter is also married by stress with the Muslim ….now no body is allowed to meet with them ……

We need of prayer for this family ………they are living like slave ……if one is killed by the Muslim …..It would be over, but it’s like slow poisoning death ……and like spiritual death.

Next month I will go their village and try to bring their snaps ….

It’s the hidden incident because it’s a back ward village no media excess.

Yours in Christ

Shahid Samuel

I cannot confirm the veracity of the email but am aware of the occurrence of incidents such as these.  I ask readers to advise me of any corroborating evidence of this activity.  I ask our global brethren to pray for succour and peace for all persecuted minorities globally.

Sunday, 25 July 2010

Shabhaz Bhatti - Threatened by Islamic Militants!

Shabhaz Bhatti

Please read the story below that was published by ASSIST Ministries:

Friday, July 23, 2010

Pakistan Christian government minister is accused of committing blasphemy Muslim cleric demands removal of Shahbaz Bhatti from the Cabinet

By Dan Wooding
Founder of ASSIST Ministries
TANDO ADAM, PAKISTAN (ANS) -- Allama Ahmed Mian Hammadi, a Pakistani Muslim cleric, has claimed that Shahbaz Bhatti, Pakistan’s Federal Minister for Minorities has himself committed blasphemy by branding the recently murdered Christian brothers as victims of Pakistan blasphemy laws.

Shahbaz Bhatti

Bhatti had spoken out about the murder on Monday, June 19, 2010, of Rashid Emmanuel, 30, and his brother Sajid, 27, by unidentified masked gunmen inside a courthouse in Faisalabad. The brothers had been accused of blaspheming the Prophet Muhammad earlier this month, a charge they had both denied

The funeral of Rashid and Sajid

According to Mr. Hammadi’s statement, published in Daily Jasarat, a Pakistani Urdu daily newspaper, the Muslim cleric said that Muslims cannot tolerate blasphemy against the Prophet Muhammad.

“It is not a cruelty to kill blasphemers, rather blasphemy itself is such an enormous brutality that the one who commits it neither has got a right to live in this world nor is there any pardon for the blasphemer,” Daily Jasarat quoted Mr. Hammadi as saying.

Pakistani Christian pray beside the caskets of the two murdered brothers

“Muslims won’t tolerate even a slightest blasphemy against Prophet Muhammad. If Shahbaz Bhatti committed blasphemy he would be beheaded.”

He maintained: “A Muslim loves [the] Prophet Muhammad more than anyone else.”

The newspaper quoted Mr. Hammadi as saying that the incident of killing of the Christian brothers due to non implementation of the blasphemy laws in Pakistan.

According to the newspaper, the Muslim cleric criticized Mr. Bhatti for stating that the law had been abused vis-à-vis the case of the Christian brothers.

“No law has been implemented in this case. Court implements the law not people,” Daily Jasarat quoted Mr. Hammadi as saying. “Christian brothers were killed after Muslims became angry.”

Mr. Hammadi, according to Jasarat, also demanded the arrest of Christian rioters who he said threw stones at the houses of Muslims after the murder of the Christian brothers in Faisalabad on Monday, July 19, 2010.

Warning of fraudsters that are robbing Christians in Pakistan!

I have received the following message from a Brother Amir Malik In Pakistan.  He is appealing for help after a fraudster has taken £1000's from Christians In Pakistan - promising them a visa and new life in England in return.  I am writing this in hope that someone can provide some evidence that we can take to Interpol, as incidents such as these are too frequent and familiar for us to keep silent!

Here is the email:

"Dear Sir

We need your personal attention on an issue:

My name is Amir from Karachi, Pakistan,

I known a person his name is Albert Peter Gabriel, we had a spiritual relation with him and his team, beside he shows that he is working as a consultant here in Pakistan.

In February he came to us with an affiliation certificate with UK that there is some jobs lying in care base project in UK and i am the one who can recruit for them so we came in his sweet deceives and paid a 175,000 PKR after two or three months he ran away from Pakistan and now we don't know where he is.

It was my story but now i came to know that he took 20 million PKR from different christian families from Karachi and now every one is looking to him could you please help us in this regards

Best regards


Whatever our community does about this it is evident that we need people to educate the impoverished communities in Pakistan to prevent similar situations arising - both Christisn and not.  The fact that such activity is so rife in pakistan is a reason for us to make this a major priority for our community and I encourage brothers and sisters toshare ideas on how we can tackle this issue.

Saturday, 24 July 2010

Shunned by Glory TV - Pukaar TV leads the way for British Pakistanis!

Dear all,

I was invited onto a live interview with Romail Gulzar of Pukkar News.  In a very cutting edge piece we discussed the issue of the "Forgotten Minorities".  The debate centred on the recent attacks to the Ahmadi Community and Christian Community of Pakistan, however, I am aware that Romail is working with Hindu and Sikh Minorities too. 

In the interview Romail also invited the auspicious Zahid Malik for the Ahmadi Community.  He was a well spoken and endearing character who allowed a very wholesome and comprehensive discussion.

Glory TV have refused to profile our protest despite the fact that we serve a unified purpose.  Pukaar have been very supportive and their newsletter is providing a vehicle for great information assimilation by our community.   Watch out for the Pukaar movie of our forthcoming protest.

Please view the video yourself by clicking the link below:

Kind regards

Wilson Chowdhry

Friday, 23 July 2010

Shabaz Bhatti Threatened for Speaking out against the Blasphemy Law!

The All Pakistan Minorities Alliance have sent me the following email:

"Islamic radical parties issued warnings through media statements to the Federal Minister for Minorities Mr Shahbaz Bhatti on his statement, regarding misuse of Blasphemy Laws after the killing of two Christian brothers accused of Blasphemy in Faisalabad

Majil-e- Tahfuz- Hatim-Nabuwat is demanding sacking of Federal minority minister Shahbaz Bhatti after his critical comments against blasphemy law. He made this comment after killing of two Christian brothers Faisalabad .

Previously, Shahbaz bhatti received threat for pursuing justice for Gojra victims. He should be appreciated for his stance against misuse of blasphemy laws and security of religious minority in Pakistan."

Source: Jasarat

My research on the internet has elucidated that Shabhaz Bhatti is the Chairman of this "All Pakistan Minorities Alliance" and so I cannot verify any truth in the statement.  The email was sent out as a circular and I hope others can provide me with their opinions on this matter. 

Contemporaneously with this email, I have just been filmed on a live interview with Romail Gulzar on this Channel Pukaar News.  Shabhaz Bhatti failed to be available for a previously agreed Radio interview yesterday.  Moreover, statements form him to be similar in style - rather whimsical and insouciant condemnations.  We need to see more actions and if he is receiving threats we should pray for the Lord's protection over our Federal Minister for Minorities.  If however, this is just another publicity stunt he will deserve any public condemnation from our community.

Thursday, 22 July 2010

MP Lee Scott has highlighted the Plight of Pakistani Christians to the Foreign Office!

Ilford North's Conservative MP Lee Scott has written to Alistair Burt the Under Secretary of state for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.  Lee has apologised that he cannot make it to our protest due to prior commitments, however, he has written a letter that shall be read out at our protest. 

For your perusal, I enclose a copy of the letter which can be accessed by clicking the link below:

Carnage in Waris Pura - Bravely life goes on!

Total destruction.
Last line of defence.
Stop the madness!
Back to work despite tragedy
21st century living...
Homes destroyed.
Carry on regardless...what else to do?
Fear and desolation but the community survives!
God please bring peace.

Dear Sir / Madam

I received the pictures above from Life for All in Pakistan.  They have also sent a short statement:
"Greetings from Life for All, Pakistan.

Two Christian evangelists who were shot dead by suspected Islamic militants on 19th July 2010 at the District Court Faisalabad. Gun battles broke out in a predominantly Christian neighborhood of the Pakistani city of Faisalabad Monday, July 19, shortly after two Christian evangelists were shot and killed by suspected Islamic militants.

Life for All team was present at Waris Pura, the Muslim mobs attacked and destroyed the shops owned by the Christians and a Bible School was destroyed as well.

The pictures of the destroyed streets are attached. Please pray for our brothers and sisters in Faisalabad.

With warms regards, God Bless You,

Rizwan Paul President

Life for All"

The images in the post show the extreme desolation and deprivation that the Christian Community of Waris Pura is suffering.  Life goes on and the the pictures depict an insouciance to the damage caused by the recent militant attack on the city.  However, the fact that people are carrying on with their lives regardless of the terror they have faced hides a deep hurt, betrayal and anxiety that individuals will have to deal with in their own specific ways. 

We have to be honest with ourselves it is highly unlikely that we will see justice in this situation.  But we must challenge the government to bring succour and recompense to this beleaguered community.  We will be making a new on-line petition that we intend to deliver to 10 Downing Street during our protest.  Please do sign it alongside other petitions.

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Update on Waris Pura attack

Here is a rather concise report on the incident in Waris Pura.  I do not believe any perpetrators of violence will be brought to justice and at this moment it is not of primary importance.  It is more of a necessity that peace be restored to the beleaguered community and that the community has time to give succour and encouragement to one another. 

It is with a hard heart that I clarify that the despicable act was made even more dastardly by way of the fact that the two accused Christians had actually been acquitted - They were free men when they lost their lives.

Read more here:

Forward planning and better direction!

Sometimes the simplest ideas are the best!

I have been discussing the problem of communication within our community.  One of the major issues that we are faced with is the lack of a central database of information on our respective churches or groups.  I invite churches and groups to come forward and provided their contact details including:
  • Name of Pastor or Chairman
  • Name of Organisation
  • Full Address
  • Telephone number
  • Email
  • Fax
All those that participate will have a link to their website on our blog and we will over the year publish a short piece on the progress that each Church/Group is making.   

We already have a list of 7 UK Urdu speaking churches and hope that other leaders or members of their congregations will inform us of their details.    Any details provided by congregations will result in a follow up call to the church leader to ensure they are willing to participate.  Moreover, each church leader will also be sent a copy of the complete address book. 

I believe such a list will make our campaign a more effective one and our cause an attainable one.

*****A young Pakistani student newly into the country is asking for an Asian Christian Church in Liverpool - does one exist. Please let me know as she would like to mix with her own people.******

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Premier Christian Radio reports on the violence in Waris Pura!

Premier Christian Radio have reported on the recent attack on the victims of a false blasphemy case in Waris Pura.  Read more on their website at:

A fuller story is being replayed throughout the day on their regular international news update.

Update on Waris Pura attack!

I have received a link to the Compass Direct News website that provides a full report on the Waris Pura incident.

Please read more by clicking the link below:

Monday, 19 July 2010

Voice for Jesus to perform at our Peace Rally!

Voice for Jesus performing at last years event!

We have received heartening news that Voice of Jesus will be joining us at our peace rally to be held on the 31st July 2010.    Sally Baily informed us:

"I have some good news, that Hammad Baily of Voice for Jesus will now be available on Saturday to perform at the protest in London. He was due to be performing in Holland but that show has been cancelled. I am also planning to cut short my trip to Scotland so that I can join Hammad at the protest."

In general the majority of the UK Pakistan Christian Community have come together to support what looks like being an awesome Christian worship service.  Followed by a much need multifaith rally for peace in Pakistan.  See we can work together!!!!

Please pray for the event for which support is really growing!

Learn more about "Voice for Jesus" here:

MP Lee Scott weighs in with his support!

MP Lee Scott the Conservative MP for Ilford North has agreed to raise a concern about the situation in Pakistan during  Primeministers Question Time tomorrow.  Please do watch this debate which is filmed live by the BBC.   In an email he stated:

"I am putting in a written question as PM is in Washington there will not be formal PMQs this week and I have not come out in ballot for questions"
MP Lee Scott has also advised the Foreign Office of our concerns and I will inform you of any response.

Learn more about MP Lee Scott here:

I have had a great number of dealings with MP Lee Scott who attends my Redbridge Carnival Every Year.  He is a hard working candidate and one of the few honest MP's that were blemish free during the recent MP sleaze revelations. 

Please keep contacting your own local MP's so that we can achieve some succour for Pakistani Christians.

Indiscriminate shooting in Faisalabad- people curfew imposed!

The situation in faisalabad has deteriorated, indiscriminate shootings betweens Christians and Muslims have ensued.  The situation has become very volatile and local police have initiated a curfew.

Former Brigadier Samson Sharaf said:



A spokesperson for Release International informed us on the situation:

"Just to let you know the situation in Faislabad has deteriorated. Apparently both Christians and Muslims have been shooting at each other there has been a semi curfew enforced meaning that no more than 5 people can gather at anyone time.

The Chief of Police has promised to bring to justice the people who shot Pastor Rashid and his Brother."

Brother Raja Dean reported on the incident:

"The circumstances of the warripur and Dawood Nagar Faisalabad are very critical; two brothers who were in the jail have been shot. There are firing and stoned on the Christian house. Police are failed to control the procession. Christians are in fear. Kindly pray for them. Now the darkness spread but still heavy firing is going on . Therefore we request for prayer

Thank you and God bless you - Yours Brother -Raja Dean"

Ifrahim Matthew from Pakistan reported on the incident:

"Pakistani Church is going through a very critical Time.At the moment while you are reading this e-mail.Police is shelling heavily at the Christians homes at Daud Nagagara colony in the City of Faisalabad.While Muslim mobs are busy looting the shops of Christians........Be in Prayer with us.

Ifrahim Mathew
National Director
Potohar Evangelistic Outreach Fellowship"

Please pray for a cessation of the violence in Waris Pura.  In memory of the victims we have decided to wear black armbands during our Peace Rally on the 31st July 2010.

Guest Speakers list increases:

There are a number of Guest speakers that will be speaking at our Peace Rally including:

Reverend George Hargreaves - Christian Party

Learn more about him by clicking the link:

Allen Craig - Former Newham Councillor Christian Peoples Alliance

Learn More about Alan Craig here:

Reverend Biswas - Bengali Christian Fellowship

Dr David Peter - Gateway TV

David Prasad - Castewatch

Ranbir Singh - Hindu Human Rights Group

Learn more here:

Reverened Amelia Jacob - St James Church, Alperton

Learn More about Rev Jacob here:

With such an esteemed list of vistors you would be misplaced not to join us.

Update on Nurse Magdalene!

Nurses protest against the abject cruelty faced by Nurse Magdalene.

Despite various rumours Nurse Magdalene is still fighting for her life.  There are concerns for her safety and these have been echoed in a recent news article with the sister of the victim of rape.  Read more here:

The situation in Pakistan is one of intense pressure and polarisation Christians in Pakistan quite rightly want appropriate legal justice and many want the death sentence to be enacted on the felon - the prescribed action within the Pakistani Penal code. 

Christian agencies are gearing up to tackle the legal battle - please keep the situation in your prayers.
The latest update recieved through our sources in Pakistan reveals that both our brothers accused of a false blasphemy are now dead.

May their souls rest in peace.

We would make a  request all our readers that a global one minute silence is enacted in your local churches  and othyer places of worship this week - to focus our frustration in a positive way. 

Kind Regards
Arish Jawaid

Rashid and Sajjid Masih unjustly accused of blasphemy have been shot dead!

A dark day for justice.

Rashid Masih and Sajjid Masih who were accused for blasphemy on1st July 2010 have
been shot outside Faisalabad court moments ago by unknown marksman.  Sources say one of them immediately lost his life.

Two Christians in Faisalabad facing blasphemy charges were murdered outside court today. The killing was extra judicial and Pakistan's mainstream media has yet to report it.

A large number of Christians have fled Waris Pura, on the outskirts of Faisalabad, fearing violence, after Muslims launched a protest action that started at a local mosque after Friday prayers. 

The risk of attacks against Christians and their property is very high, a source in Faisalabad told AsiaNews, choosing anonymity for security reasons. Yesterday, hundreds of Islamic militants joined a protest march, calling for the death of two Christian brothers accused of blasphemy. During the procession, the mob stoned a Catholic church. An alleged booklet with offensive words about Prophet Muhammad is the reason for the rising tensions.

Rashid Emmanuel, 32 and Sajid Masih, 30, had been running “United Ministries Pakistan” for the last two years in Daudnagar near the Warispura Christian colony of Faisalabad.

The pair was accused by Khurram Shahzad, on 1st July 2010 by a Muslim man, allegedly for pasting blasphemous posters in a truck station in Faisalabad.

Rashid Emmanuel and Sajid Masih received a phone call a week ago. The caller told them that he would like to meet them in connection with their ministry’s website.

When Rashid went to meet the caller at the nearby railway station, the appointed venue of the meeting, the police were already there waiting for him.

The police had taken Rashid to the local police station and he was later charged with committing blasphemy against the prophet Muhammad.

When Sajid, Rashid’s brother, went to tell the police that his brother was innocent, he too was arrested by the police.

Saturday, 17 July 2010

NISH to perform at our pre-protest Worship Service!

Nish will perform at our protest worship service.

Another renowned singer from our community will be performing during our 1 hour worship service.  Last year we had Hamad Bailey and this year we have Nish.

Nish is an 11 year old prodigy who started her singing career at the delicate age of 3.  By the age of 6 she had her first large stage performance and last year at 10 years old she released her first Album "Tera Shaafi" that has already sold in excess of 2000 CD's.  She is an experienced secular and Christian singer and will be singing zaboor at the 1 hour worship service starting from 11:00 - 12:00 on the31st of July.  This Worship service is a prelude before our all faiths political peace rally from the Pakistani Embassy to 10 Downing Street.  Please do join us and do encourage other performers too. 

Here are some links to some of Nish's previous performances:
          Here is our new flyer for our Peace Rally on the 31st of July 2010.

If u want to download this flyer or to use it through differant means of promoting event feel free to leave a message on Facebook Page,alternatively send us an email on and we will get back to you asap.

Friday, 16 July 2010

Update on Nurse Magdalene Case!

Nurses held a 3 day protest seeking justice for Nurse Magdalene!

Christian groups and non christian groups are uniting in their desire for action against the perpetrator of another awful tragedy to fall on an innocent victim.  The Catholic student nurse Magdalene Ashraf was raped and conflicting reports state that she was either thrown or jumped from a 4th/2nd floor window.  Magdalene Ashraf is still fighting for her life and we ask that you pray for her recovery and justice to prevail.   More details can be found by clicking on the following links:

An update has been provided by brother Taskeen Khan (sic):

He was there to serve the wounded and to give the vulnerable the hope to live, but no one knew that he was wearing a mascot of a sheep to hide his evil and wolfish innerself. Now everyone knows him as so-called “doctor” Abdul Jabbar Memon through news media and sadly enough that he was appointed in Pakistan’s largest city Karachi’s well reputed Jinnah Hospital’s “Medical-Legal Officer” (MLO), where he ruined all the legalities though appointed "Legal Officer" by committing one of the sins which leaves an unscratchable scar on the soul of any daughter of the eve. This time Magdalene Ashraf, a 23-years old ill-fated Christian girl, daughter of Ashraf Masih, originally from Punjab was the victim of someone's evil covetousness on Tuesday.

"Doctor" Abdul Jabbar Memon is now charged with sexually assaulting, as today (Wednesday) a medical report totally proved that he trapped and raped innocent Magdalene Ashraf. Unfortunate girl tried to save herself, but she could only manage to jump down from as high as 4th floor, now fighting for her life after suffering from severe head injuries.

According to the detailed reports the president of the Pakistan Nursing Association, Iqbal Ahmed, told “The Express Tribune” that Magdalene had been locked up in the MLO ‘’Doctor” Abdul Jabbar Memon’s room for two days. The police have yet to verify these claims, though local authorities have taken him into custody.

It’s also reported that after raping third-year student MLO jumped from the balcony and tried to escape, but he got injured in the process, so people caught him and handed him over to the hospital administration.

Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre (JPMC) Accident and Emergency chief Dr Seemin Jamali has also confirmed that this is a case of rape after initial examination report.

Some children witnessed the fall. “I heard my children scream as they saw the girl fall from the balcony,” reported Dr Saleem, who lives in the area. “When I went there I saw her lying face down, bleeding from her head.” He said her clothes were torn and the MLO was looking down from his balcony. According to officials, the incident took place around 5:30pm. The MLO then jumped from the balcony and tried to escape. But people caught him and handed him over to the hospital administration.

“We complained to the hospital administration about the MLO many times. [He] had illegally occupied the room,” claimed Dr Sangeeta, a resident of the colony.

According to reports, the MLO was suspended from his post on disciplinary grounds 15 days prior to the incident. The nursing association’s Iqbal Ahmed said the MLO belonged to Badin district and used to work at Abbasi Shaheed Hospital.

The Saddar police registered an attempt to murder case under Section 234 of the Pakistan Penal Code against the doctor on behalf of JPMC security chief Arshad Janjua.

In the FIR, Arshad Janjua stated that the MLO threw Magdalene from his room.

Saddar SHO Shabbir Hussain said that Magdalene was not in a position to record her statement. He said that it had yet to be ascertained whether she jumped of her own accord or was pushed or fell by mistake. “We found broken pieces of glass in the room, which suggests that there was some resistance before the incident,” said the officer.

Investigation continues, nurses in Jinnah Hospital, Karachi are observing a strike, please remember Magdalene Ashraf in your prayers.

Good people must unite as one body and we would ask people of any nationality, faith and any other diversity to join our Peace Rally/Protest on the 31st July to vent their frustrations at the poor Justice system and inequality in Pakistan.  Moreover, why not make it a global day of peace and protest by organising similar events on the same day - abroad.

Thursday, 15 July 2010

Peace rally for Nurse Magdalene!

Today hundreds of Christians rallied in front of Jinnah Post Graduate Medical Center demanding justice for Trainee Nurse Magdalene Ashraf and the prosecution of the Muslim Doctor Muhammad Jabbar Memon, who raped her, and then threw her from a hospital window. 

Nurse Magdalene Ashraf was thrown from the 4th floor window of Jinnah Post Graduate Medical Center on evening of July 13, 2010.

The protest was organised by Gawahi Mission Trust but many established groups such as Justice and Peace Commission Karachi, Sindh Medico Association, Nursing Association and Christian Lawyers Foundation Joined in and chanted slogans such as “ Justice for Magdalene Ashraf” “Punish Rapist Muslim Doctor Jabbar Memon”

Pastor Naveed Malik, Chairman of Gawahi Mission Trust was only high profile religious leader present in procession, many have asked why other prominent Christians did not join the clamour for justice.

The alleged rape culprit and doctor was also admitted to JPMC where Magdalene Ashraf Masih was fighting for life in an intensive care unit of the hospital.  After much protest he was moved to a private hospital on July 14, 2010.

To date a case of simple assault which falls under section 324 of the Pakistani Penal Code was registered against Dr. Jabbar Memon in Saddar Police Station on July 13, 2010.  Thus far charges of rape were not filed by local police against this culprit.

The protesters marched toward Karachi Press Club from Jinnah Post Graduate Medical Center and continued to stage a protest in front of the Press Club.

Karachi Trainee nurse raped and thrown out of window

By the grace of God Magdalene is on the road to recovery.
The despicable perpetrator of the act recovers from alcohol intoxication.
Handcuffed but shows little remorse.
The culprit jested with cameramen whilst being interviewed.
In critical condition but brave Magdalene fights on!
A young girl in her prime has suffered a torrid attack that will scar her emotionally and physically for life.
I have received a disturbing story about the rape of a Christian nurse that resulted in her being thrown out of a Hospital window.  Pictures have been sent that look rather perturbing.  This is the first I have heard of this news and i can not at this stage confirm the veracity of the the allegations made.  I place this on the blog so that others may be able to provide further information on this prima facie story.  The email was received from a Sheraz Anwer (sic):

Karachi: July 14, 2010. Dr Jabar threw Miss Magdaline from fourth floor of Jinnah Post Graduate Medical Center Karachi after raping her, it is hospital named after the Founder of Pakistan, Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, where all doctors are Muslims.

The visitors of  a patient saw Magdalene Ashraf, a girl in nursing uniform being thrown from fourth floor by a person in white coat of doctors and call hospital security.

The victim is a Christian aged 23 and daughter of a poor Christian Ashraf Masih who dreams good future for his daughter Magdalene after graduation in JPMC School of Nursing.

As the news reaches to Ashraf Masih that her daughter is raped and doctor have attempted to kill her, he rushes to hospital where he finds her in critical condition fighting for life on a hospital bed. He cries and calls his Christian leaders to seek help and justice.

After agitation of Christians in JPMC, the police are called by a security officer of JPMC and a case is registered against doctor Jabbar Memon under section 324 PPC, in Saddar Police Station Karachi.

Accused doctor Jabbar Memon was transferred from Abbasi Shaheed Hospital due to his ill behaviour to JPMC.

While Giving Interview to GAWAHI TV he was laughing he is unashamed what he did.


I strongly urge you to support the poor family in whatever way possible. The victimised family is seeking your Moral, Spiritual, Ethical and financial support. Let us be together, in this hour of need and stand by this family and prove our self to be the part of the body of CHRIST.

“The tears fall, they're so easy to wipe off onto my sleeve, but how do I erase the stain from my heart?”

Wednesday, 14 July 2010

This is a blog and not a newspaper?

We are not a newspaper!
Dear all,

In one way I am pleased at the positive comments that have come back form many of you in trying to decipher the truth about the incident at Waris Pura Faisalabad.  Comments included:
"Dear Brother Wilson,

I have just talked to GBN TV , a christian cable network in that area of Faisalabad and no such burning has taken place kindly contradict this news once again to all those whom you sent this email.

My source is very reliable and right in that area/locality Evangelist Robinson Asghar"

Dear Mr.Wilson,

Thanks for this information. What I know that there was dispute at large but thanks God 120 homes are not burnt. The violence matter is resolving with dialogue but still unrest there.

In peace,

Yuel Bhatti
Lahore Pakistan

Greeting you , I phoned to my friends who are living in Waris pura Faisalabad , Yes angry Muslims stoned to Catholic Church Building but it is not true that 120 home have burnt . I have continue touch of this area. Thanks God still are calm but further we can predict about this. Nasreen brother also living that area.


Raja Dean

A misleading report was sent to me originally that had been altered somewhat from the original story.  I had received 3 emails about the incident yesterday morning and reported the matter as described by all three writers.  It transpires that only two of the original writers spoke the truth and their emails have remained on our blog.  Moreover, as updates came in we continually updated our blog to ensure that those on our membership list were equipped with the truth.   What surprises me is how two individuals in particular chose to write rather derogatory emails to me regarding the matter?  I have removed both from our mail send.  The fact is this work undertaken by the BPCA is in the most unfunded and provided complimentary. 

Moreover we are not a  newspaper and do not pretend to know the utmost truth.  When started it was meant to be come and information sharing and gathering vehicle for our community.  We have achieved this!  Our community worked well and in minutes to uncover the truth and that was shared with all of you. 

The fact is that the issue in Faisalabad is a serious one.  Two of our brothers have been incarcerated for purportedly writing defamatory leaflets about Muhammed and writing their names on the bottom of the "handwritten" leaflet (of which only one copy has been found?!).

Local mosques responded to the allegation by organising a protest that involved anti-Christian slogans, chants and threats and the stoning of a local church.  Local Police responded both rapidly, effectively and in a commendable manner.  Only this prevented the situation from becoming more serious.

No buildings were burnt and no lives were lost and we should thank God for this.  However, there is still high social tension in the area and we need to pray for continued Police protection.

Again I reiterate that we are not a newspaper and that any stories, we may publish, are to raise awareness of potential or actual situations and that we appreciate the positive feedback and debate that often ensues.   I remember when the first stories and images of the World Trade Centre Terrorist Attack came out, it was put down to an accidental plane crash - only later did the truth come out!

If we had not reported this story many of you will have found out about the matter much later....  If we believe in the power of prayer, we should also believe in sharing knowledge to allow us to pray for appropriate things and as early as possible.   We are not put of by detractors as we have a particular mission and feel we have served good purpose.  I just hope that this post clarifies our positions and stops those who are whining as they either have nothing better to do or have other hidden agendas.