Upkar Rai form the British Sikh Council with Alan Craig also a guest at today's Peace vigil.
On behalf the Sikh Community, British Sikh Council UK expresses its great shock and grief on the heartbreaking and unfortunate death an innocent gentleman Mr Shahbaz Bhatti. Prior to his death Mr Bhatti in his interview with BBC, clearly expressed the prevailing dangers and he fearlessly defied all these threats to his life and family by the extremists/Talibans in his own beloved country Pakistan.
It is unfortunate and sad that whosoever raised voice for the oppressed and against inhuman crimes have been suffering like Mr Shahbaz Bhatti. Mr Bhatti shall be greatly missed by his community as well by others too. He was great supporter of the principle of equality and freedom for all communities, their right to live peacefully and worship their respective faiths without any fear and interferences in Pakistan. Such atrocities by the so called mislead Extremists not only creates divisions, social unrest and hate within communities but also tarnish the image their own religion and the country.
Sikhs in UK expresses their condolences for Pakistani nation who has lost a great parliamentarian and also a great humanitarian.
British Sikh Council UK, appeals to the Pakistani Government to deal with such divisive and anti-national forces forcefully and ensure the restoration of the safety of all their Pakistani citizens.
British Sikh Council UK, appeals to the Pakistani Government to deal with such divisive and anti-national forces forcefully and ensure the restoration of the safety of all their Pakistani citizens.
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