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Friday 4 March 2011

Words of solace from Imran Ahmad author of "Unimagined - Muhammad, Jesus and James Bond"

A prominent Muslim author has written some inspiring words that give a challenge to the nation of Pakistan:

The murder of Shahbaz Bhatti and all of the other terrible things which have been happening in Pakistan, all come down to one thing only: the tragic and total absence of Love in Pakistan.

There is no Love in any sphere of life in Pakistan. It is a country totally overcome by Fear, Hate and Ego.

These are harsh words, but they are my analysis after decades of observation.

We can only fix the situation by operating only from Love and striving to change one heart at a time. Not an easy task by any means. But ultimately Love must triumph.

Peace and Best Wishes,

Imran Ahmad

Author of Unimagined - Muhammad, Jesus and James Bond

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